Update Uganda - Schulgebühren- Schoolfee

in deutsch •  3 years ago 



In Uganda ist es nicht selbstverständlich zur Schule zu gehen.
Es muß Schulgeld bezahlt werden, welches von den Familien oft nicht aufgebracht werden kann.
Wir haben weder die Zeit noch die finanziellen Mittel uns auch noch darum zu kümmern und Hilfe zu leisten.
Aber manchmal tun wir das dann doch.

Bosco erzählte uns, daß seine Kinder von der Schule nach Hause geschickt wurden, weil er das Schulgeld nicht aufbringen konnte.
Daraufhin haben er und sein Bruder ein paar Bäume gefällt und das Holz verkauft.
Aber auch das reichte nicht. Er konnte jedoch wenigstens einen Teil bezahlen.

Ein Schuljahr besteht aus drei Teilen (Terms).
Das Schulgeld muß zu Beginn des Terms bezahlt werden.
Bosco hat drei Kinder. Pro Term kostet ihn das 626000 UGX , das sind im Moment ca.177,-$.
Viele Familien sind nicht in der Lage, das zu bezahlen.

Daß die Kinder von der Schule augeschlossen wurden, hat uns mal wieder mitten ins Herz getroffen....
Wir haben das fehlende Schulgeld für diesen Term und auch noch das für den nächsten Term ab Mai bezahlt .
Außerdem haben wir auch noch für ein weiteres Kind die Rechnung für einen Term beglichen.




In Uganda, going to school is not a matter of course.
School fees have to be paid, which often cannot be raised by the families.
We have neither the time nor the financial means to take care of this and to help.
But sometimes we do.

Bosco told us that his children were sent home from school because he could not afford the school fees.
As a result, he and his brother cut down some trees and sold the wood.
But even that was not enough. However, he was able to pay at least a part.

A school year consists of three terms.
The school fees have to be paid at the beginning of the term.
Bosco has three children. It costs him 626000 UGX per term, which is about 177,-$ at the moment.
Many families are not able to pay this.

The fact that the children were excluded from school hit us once again right in the heart.....
We have paid the missing school fees for this term and also for the next term starting in May.
We have also paid the bill for another child for one term.



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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Beautiful what you do...

Taking away a child's education is like the greatest tragedy. It is the most pitiful thing because what we want for our children is to be great professionals.

God continues to bless you with your great work... I hope to have you here in Blurt reading you, always active helping those children...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I looked at your account and I like that you support your family and are very hardworking.
I know that it is very difficult in Venezuela right now.
And single mothers always have a hard time.
So I want to support you a little bit and I delegated you some blurt.
So you have more power and it's easier for you to earn more blurt....
Love and good luck!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


I just read your comment, here I am crying with emotion and happiness...

She does not know how she is helping me with my family. Grateful, grateful, I told my mother the great news about her, she is here with me, first of all, very grateful to God, to you for that kind delegation...

Thank you may God continue to bless you...

My heart flutters with joy...
I hug my daughter with happiness...
Never decay God always gives Strength...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

🤗 Greet your mother!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you!

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Education is key to the development of any society .
In Africa , it is quite difficult to learn in a stable and comfortable manner. Many factors seem to be against the child, one of them which is finance .
I am so glad to see that a child can go to school again .
I am so grateful that you took that upon yourself to help .
I can only imagine the joy that will overwhelm these privileged ones.
May God reward your generosity.
Bravo 👏

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you!

Elli, du hast wenn ich dich richtig verstanden habe noch eine DIG-Deli an mich draußen. Ich schalte den Vali in ein paar Stunden ab, sollte aber erst in ca. 3 Tagen Auswirkung auf dich haben. Wenn's geht, redelegiere bitte an wen anderes.

Liebe Grüße und Tschuldigung, hab's grad eilig.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Danke für die Info...

Puh, das überrascht mich. 531$ im Jahr, das ist selbst für unsere Verhältnisse richtig Geld, an dem manche Familien zu knabbern hätten. Was für eine verrückte Welt.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

This shows that without Eduction our society will turn into something else. Education is the key to success and knowledge.
But sometimes the fees being collected from parents is to huge that some families can't afford to pay it. Especially a family of four to five children is very hard to pay for their school fees and this has been a delay to some people's academic performance. But if there is a way that government can help so that this children can be able to attend school to a certain level.
I think that will be of great help both on the side of the parents and the children.
Keep it up @elkezaksek for your wonderful post.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Wao i really like it.education is the key of success.you done wonderfully well work.i am very glad to see this.you have great heart and beautiful thoughts.continue you great work.i appreciate you.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Wow it's so amazing to see the good work you are doing in Uganda, trying to help families and children pay for school fees. I was reduced to tears reading this post because it reminded me of my childhood here in Nigeria where we sometimes had to sell firewoods in order to Support our parents raise money for our school fees and also buy books. Today I have attained some level of education because my parents never gave up on us even though things were rough.. I am emotional because I really know what it feels like to be sent out of school, and be that as it may, in a school where I work presently, we usually record a massive number of children sent home because of school fees. This term we recorded 8 school dropouts of children because of the same issue of fees. So yeah, I truly understand the sacrifice you are making. May God continue to bless you for your good heart❤️.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you!

Seeing this story, I am very grateful to be able to live here. The government still provides free education from elementary to high school. Hopefully the children there can continue their schooling until the end!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It's an ongoing problem.
Next term, everyone will again not know how to pay for it...
Very sad...

Yes, it's really very sad. Hope there is some help for them!
Wish them all success in the future!

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Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

A very extraordinary feat. Building a nation through health. Keep getting better.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  
