Mein schönstes Geburtstagsgeschenk - My best birthday present

in deutsch •  3 years ago 

Vor 5 Jahren, am 24.12.2016, kamen wir zum allerersten Mal zum Lake Bunyonyi in Uganda.
Es war mein 50. Geburtstag und am Abend sangen und tanzten die Kinder für mich.
Das war wunderschön und was aus dieser ersten Begegnung geworden ist, wißt ihr ja alle.
Seit 4 Jahren haben wir unser eigenes Projekt dort.
Es ist soviel passiert und wir haben soviel geschafft, wir können das manchmal selbst kaum glauben.
Aber natürlich war das auch sehr viel Arbeit.
Der Lohn dafür sind die strahlenden Gesichter und die Gewissheit, das Leben von vielen Menschen verbessert zu haben.
Oft kamen so Sprüche wie " kann nicht die ganze Welt retten..."
oder "Das ist doch nur ein Tropfen auf den heißen Stein."

Wir möchten auch nicht die Welt retten.
Aber es macht sehr wohl einen Unterschied, dieser eine Tropfen!
Wenn du Hunger hast und jemand bringt dir Essen,
wenn du krank bist und jemand dir Medikamente bringt,
wenn du keine Elektrizität in deinem Haus hast und dir jemand eine Solar-Anlage bringt.....
ja, dann ist das für dich nicht nur der kleine Tropfen....

Vorgestern war es dann mal wieder soweit....Geburtstag.....
Und wieder sangen die Kinder für mich....
Dieses Geschenk ...das schönste schön!

5 years ago, on 24.12.2016, we came to Lake Bunyonyi in Uganda for the very first time.
It was my 50th birthday and in the evening the children sang and danced for me.
It was wonderful and you all know what happened to that first meeting.
We have had our own project there for four years.
So much has happened and we have achieved so much, we can hardly believe it ourselves sometimes.
But of course it was also a lot of work.
The reward is the beaming faces and the certainty that we have improved the lives of many people.
Often we heard sayings like " can't save the whole world...".
or "It's just a drop in the ocean."

We don't want to save the world either.
But it does make a difference, that one drop!
If you are hungry and someone brings you food,
if you are sick and someone brings you medicine,
if you have no electricity in your house and someone brings you a solar panel.....
yes, then that's not just the little drop for you....

The day before yesterday, it was once again....birthday.....
And again the children sang for me....
This present ...the most beautiful birthday beautiful!

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Servus Elli,
na dann mal schnell nachholen:

🍀 Alles gute zum Geburtstag !! 🍀

Auff das, das du noch viele Geb. Lieder bekommst!!

lg 🤠

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Ich kann garnicht genug bekommen...
alle Kinder dort lieben es zu singen und zu tanzen.
Das ist immer total schön!

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Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @r2cornell-curate. También, encuéntranos en Discord

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you very much!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

My dear friend, what a beautiful birthday present, with those beautiful eyes, beautiful smiles and blessed voices.
It is a beautiful surprise, your birthday is on December 24, my parents got married on that same date, that's why I say that with my friends from the PUB I have a beautiful connection, it is like a meeting of connected souls in the PUB, like a wonderful time tunnel.
I thank God and Blurt for having the opportunity to meet you. Happy Birthday.
Good vibes.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you and Cogratulation to your parents!

Wie schön, da geht einem das Herz auf. Bin ja nicht so der Fan von frohe Weihnachts-, Geburtstags- und was weiß ich Wünschen... weil es teilweise doch "überdosiert" wird.

Das Video ist wirklich herzig und bei Schnapszahlen mach ich gerne eine Ausnahme ;-) Von mir nachträglich auch alles alles Gute und noch viele Jahre so tolle Geburtstagsvideos.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Mir geht das genauso,
von mir aus könnte man das alles abschaffen...

Die Kinder sind immer so fröhlich, obwohl sie nichts haben.
Mir sind sofort wieder die dicken Bäuche aufgefallen.
Das ist wegen der Mangelernährung.
Auch viele Erwachsene sind proper,
aber auch das kommt nicht von zu viel essen...
Ich schweife schon wieder ab...

Lieben Gruß!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Wow !! Happy birthday , May you earn more moments of celebrations like this .
You deserve even more than a birthday song .

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you!
The song is enough. It makes me happy!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Praise God for all and most praise to him for the simplicity of your life !
It is rewarding to be humble . I hope to do a birth song for you in Africa , God keeping us , next year .

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You could create a Blurt-song with the children and make a post with it.....
So we have not to wait one year...😁😊

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Not a bad idea at all !!
I think after this Christmas party , this is next on my mind ! 😆

Hi mam!
Hope you are in smooth mood!

First time, I have tried to write something about blurt ecosystem to make it more better and stronger.

So, I want to recommend you that if you are not busy, you may take a look at it.

Here is the link:

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks for the post on #blurtafrica. You have been manually curated by @leifasaur.

If you want to support my curation further, please delegate and vote for my posts that you find quality also

Oh late but right, Happy 50 Birthday to you!
You're intention is great.
You're really doing well in Uganda.
May you help needy people as always.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you very much!
BUT it is the 55. birthday!

Oooo! By mistake.
I read it 50, so I wrote so.
Thanks for replying!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

No problem...on my 50. birthday I was the first time at Lake Bunyonyi in Uganda.
The beginning of a big friendship...

You're so sweet mam!
You have a beautiful heart!
May you be happy for ever!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hello dear mam!
Happy New year!
2021 has gone from us every time.
I wish you.
New year has come in our country.
I hope that everything will be better in your and my life.
I congratulate you from bottom of my heart on this occasion of comming new year.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Happy Birthday.(Late wishes) i think it was best birthday celebration to you.
I believe that, everyone were happy for your came to Uganda, and still now

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes, it was the best....
These children love singing and dancing.
And I love it, when they do it...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Ich wünsche dir auch alles liebe zum Geburstag🎉. Vorallem Gesundheit!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Happy Birthday.
Enjoy your life.
I wish you.
I hope that everybody are be happy in Uganda.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

What a great !! Happy Birthday,
you earn more moments of celebration like this.
You deserve more than a birthday song.

i am sorry it is late but right, happy 55th birthday to you!
Your purpose is great.
You are doing really well in Uganda.
You help helpless people like always.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

i and my family wish you and your family a Happy New Year 2022 by heart. May the New Year bring millions of joys and blessings into your life and may you accumulate a lot of successes and a number of blurts in this year! And be happy with your family.

In India we entered the new year 2022 so
Many many good and happy new year 2022
@tariqueshafique from India