Update Uganda

in deutsch •  2 years ago  (edited)


Für zwei weitere Kinder haben wir Schulgeld bezahlt.
Die Mutter ist alleinerziehend und nicht in der Lage das Schulgeld aufzubringen.
Unterstützung bekommt sie von niemanden (außer manchmal von uns).

Viele Frauen in Uganda sind alleinerziehend.
Die Männer verlassen häufig die Familie und kümmern sich weder um ihre Frau noch um ihre Kinder.
Der Staat kümmert sich nicht und die Frauen müssen
es irgendwie schaffen, ihre Kinder zu ernähren und großzuziehen.

Manchmal wohnen drei Generationen in einem Haus, nur Frauen.....


We paid school fees for two other children.
The mother is a single parent and is not able to pay the school fees.
She gets no support from anyone (except sometimes from us).

Many women in Uganda are single parents.
The men often leave the family and do not take care of their wives or children.
The state does not care and the women have to
somehow manage to feed and raise their children.

Sometimes three generations live in one house, only women.....



Ist das nicht eine schicke Schuluniform?
Isn't that a fancy school uniform?


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

This is massive, ma. You have no idea how you have shaped the future of these children and given them hope to dream. This is what delights me. Indeed, giving is never giving until we have given to someone who might never be able to repay us. This is a deep act of kindness. Thank you for the seeds you have sown.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


I am glad to read this positive news, on how you help single mothers in the education of their children. Being a single mother is not easy at all, especially when there is no support plus discrimination against women.

Thanks to the users of this platform like you, @double-u, @michelangelo3 @dotwin1981 @mmmmkkkk311 @opfergnome, @outofthematrix, @nerdtopiade have helped me to get ahead cover my family expenses (my daughter and my mother), I know that some they are no longer here but I am very grateful to obtain the support of the Germans' hearts, excuse the mention, but reading these words of this noble woman, you have helped me, they came to mind, thanks to you.. .

Congratulations for your great work of helping more people God bless you always... I hope that Mr. Bosco is better...

Greetings Christmas Star... he Keep bringing smile and happiness...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Bosco is better now.
To be a single mother is also in Germany many times not easy, but you get here money from the government.
I know that it is much more difficult in Uganda and also in Venezuela.
That is why we are helping.
We give something (a lot of time and some money) from our good life to others....
I know it helps a lot.

Big hug

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Zuallererst möchte ich Ihnen zu dieser edlen Hingabe gratulieren. Die Idee ist, dass sich im Laufe der Zeit immer mehr Menschen dieser Sache anschließen werden, um die Welt in jeder Hinsicht zu verändern. Meine Grüße und mein Respekt an Sie.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

This is noble and worthwhile to invest in . See the joy in the faces of these lads. They would never forget this day .
They now stand bold and with full confidence.
This is what you see when selflessness take the stage .
Well done for this extraordinary moment and good work . God bless you .

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Love is shown through actions and it is what you do my dear friend, what a beautiful and noble work, a hug from a distance.
Good vibes.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Das ist wahre Hilfe, die an kommt und den Ärmsten warum auch immer es ermöglicht nicht arm zu bleiben und Ihnen eine Chance zu ermöglichen. Ich kann es immer noch nicht verstehen, dass gerade in solchen Ländern wie Uganda ein Schulgeld bezahlt werden muss + Schuluniform was man oft vergisst und für viele gar nicht zu leisten ist. Wenn wir was Gutes tun wollen, dann diesen Jungen Menschen diese Chance geben. Unser Staat (Deutschland macht ja viel und gibt viel Geld aus ... Warum nicht für Bildung in so Ländern wie Uganda. Ich bin so froh, dass Du, Ihr Euch darum kümmert und es transparent macht. Mein Herz geht immer wieder ein Stück weiter auf wenn ich von den Chancen lese, die Ihr den Kindern ermöglicht.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Bless your hands, your heart that with good deeds you are winning heaven...

Blessed are you in reaching more and more people..

I wish you a good day. Greetings from Venezuela

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I have some missionary friends working side by side having to overcome a thousand and one setbacks to try to help. I am very happy to see this type of initiatives, based on a world that should be living in symbiosis, since the dependence on each other is elemental in our global subsistence. Greetings @elkezaksek

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes, we also know about the setbacks....
Children die, people suffer from hunger, there is a lot of alcoholism and violence....Sometimes it is hard to bear when you know all this...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We have all gone crazy, we are wolves to man and the rest of the species that cohabit with us, it seems that the collateral damage of our defects as human beings are unimportant. Sometimes I think that all those demons that condition us sit together at the same table to eat. Many small gestures like this will change things, given the impossibility of changing the global consciousness at least contributing, to those people who do matter to us, our best way of helping, which always goes through direct action. @elkezaksek

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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I am very glad that they have the opportunity to study and thus have better options in their future. It is a noble work that you do @elekezaksek.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

What a great contribution, education is the best contribution for a child. What a great gesture, I will be following your posts to see more details of this great movement. Blessings 🧡

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I missed this update. Great job mam! To pay for students that they gain knowledge is very nice work. May both grow and get quality education!

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