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Can't say who are they but looks like they get this huge amount when blurt was forked from steem. I just saw they have a huge amount at steemit as well.

Maybe someone who used steem from the very beginning might know who these accounts belong to.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

hehe on STEEMIT the better question seems to be in the case from UPBITSTEEM (UPBIT an exchange) who is user.dunamu he is playing a major role for this account, he is sending (and receiving huge portions of all the transfers to upbitsteem) for sending a double digit Million volume of steem in the last 3 month, for receiving (from various exchanges like huobi-withdrawal, bithumpsend1) a double digit Million volume in the last 30 days !!!

And to name it clearly he (dunamu) is the only one who sents money (7 mio Steem) to this account (upbitsteem) and receives Steem (8 mio Steem) in the last 30 days ;)

the second account in question is likely a transfering account only it receives on STEEMIT more than 3 Million of Steem from bithumbrecv1, and sends more than 5 Million of Steem to bithumbsend1 where BITHUMB now BITGLOBAL is an exchange, so difficult to check out who is the person or entity behind without the help of the platforms compliance team ;)

I guess one can answer this question good when one is able to compare in and outgoing transfers on these accounts over all 3 chains but Ican´t do that, don´t have the resources and tools and knowledge but I guess these are accounts from Asia possibly from Korea(I´m not sure about).

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks for your comment!
If Blurt would reach a reasonably good rate, a great danger lurks here with the liquid millions.
But, I think after megadrive and his people damaged Blurt so badly, the price is unlikely to recover.
Who still wants to invest here in this mendacious autocracy.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

these are liquid millions ? the problem would be gone if blurt goes cosmos. If i remember this right most of the Witness and a big piece of the community where ok if liquid Blurt of Exchanges and User that are not active would be taken to bring blurt 2 other chains.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes, liquid!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That is pretty wild and humbling. I thought one million was a whale but only a drop in the Blurt ocean. I have no idea who these guys are though.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Basically, I don't understand anything about such backgrounds and manipulations.
But could it be that - as with Steemit - a takeover is being prepared?

Posted from
