When will @rycharde pay back the blurt he used to enrich himself?

in deutsch •  2 years ago 


Period from 2020-07-28 to 2022-06-16
7158 Votes on 925 different authors, account has 7158 votes in total.
To explain to the community:

@blurtmob had a delegation from the Blurt community account @socialgraph of over 10 million BP.

@rycharde voted with the @blurtmob account.

As you can see in the image, @rycharde self-pvoted his two accounts @rycharde and @blurtyield extremely often.

Yes, @blurtyield is also an account of @rycharde.

Corrupt shit!

Who manages @bitsports?

Also @rycharde?

By the way, @rycharde's witness is called @busbecq.
In case you want to deprive him of the witness vote.


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Any details about developers payment ? Should they be paid in your opinion? What about expenses of frontends, supporting the blockchain, and many other work developers do here : https://gitlab.com/groups/blurt/-/activity. I don't know if @rycharde was the one who was paying them or not, but I would consider that from what I learned about this all situation.

And in case they leave, do we have alternative developers who are working on the blockchain ?

I talked to you here : Some Questions for @double-u , asking the same question I have. You didn't want to answer. Maybe you'll answer them now, so, I'll be able to vote for your witness to be sure that the development will keep on, and that you have your team of developers to care about the blockchain.

Even me, who is not a developer, a witness, or anything else, I could create an issue on gitlab. You can see the details here : Forked Forking Fork !.

I don't know about you, and the drama you had before, but I'm aware of the new drama.

For me to vote for a witness, I need to be sure about his ability to handle the code.

Any developers you have on your team to do that ?

Can you tag them please ?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I wonder what your comment has to do with the topic here.
But because it seems you are so unhappy, I will answer a few questions for you.

No, I do not know how to code.
I don't have a team.
I am a normal user and witness.
I never wanted to take over a blockchain.
I don't want to take over a blockchain.

Sorry, I'll gladly waive your Witness vote!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Sorry, I'll gladly waive your Witness vote!

Oh, I thought you're for decentralization. So, I can do what ever I want with my vote. I can vote or not, it's up to me. You can't decline my vote from what I know. I don't think that you have that option.

I don't have a team.

That the answer I was looking for. Thanks for letting me and everybody knows.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks for letting me and everybody knows.

Everyone who is not paranoid has known that for a long time!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

If someone doesn't know something that doesn't mean that he/she is paranoid.

I didn't say that you want to take over the chain, I just wanted to know if you have developers to care about the blockchain or not.

Hello , where can i find this page where i can see all this details ?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

What do you want to know?
I'll show you.

Is offgridlife also rycharde account ? or is offgridlife your friend as you didn't mentiones his name and in the image i can clearly see his account was also oftenly voted.

P.S : I have no problem with rycharge or offgridlife but i am just asking.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

No @offgridlife is not an account of @rycharde.
@offgridlife is @offgridlife.

And no, @offgridlife is not a friend of mine.
I rather suspect he considers me an enemy ;-)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I don't really know you, matey -but from what I see - you have my support.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

! good decission ;)

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

If I have a right to the community funds I wants what mine in liquid now and let me power that up and do as I please woth it. 100k or 10 liquid blurt per curation reward forever. Qith my promise to power it up and not power that down and return it to the community if that is what the majority wants. I guess... democracy sucks.

Also same with the instablurt account, i have been muted by that account. If its trully a community account and its the communities word that matters here, i want to know why I have been declined possible curation rewards from the community account. Otherwise if I am wrong i will shut up. Although let me point out its major earnigs come from delegated printed stake.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Good point re 'community accounts'.

Im muted from:

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


Are you receiving upvotes from blurtbooster?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I used to - just had a quick look, and didn't notice any for last couple of weeks.

Those aren't community accounts. They all belong to the same user. I get why it would look like they do as they all have Blurt in the name.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

They are basically curation accounts started back at the start of blurt, to support content with related tags.
So you can see those accounts having name blurt in them.
For example blurt-tutorial if i am correct was run by @tomoyan and @kamranrkploy
And @blurtindia by @imransoudagar

Note : i may be wrong with ownership of one's i mentioned, but this is how curation started at very start of blurt days

Yes, I was wrong about one of them. All but the instablurt account though are private accounts belonging to one person.

I'm not sure how one can tell another account is muting them here at Blurt, but if this is the case here it would be the one person on three of them doing the muting.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It's the same with any account, there were people who I voted for people at the start because of their content, but I don't feel so now.

But people see this as banning, even I don't get votes more than 100-200 sometimes, and its fine.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Those are not the community accounts. They were founder accounts.

At the very start there were no big accounts who can vote the content.
So some accounts were created by team as well the communities.
Such accounts like instablurt, blurtmob they belong to core team
Accounts like blurtlatam, blurtgerman, blurtindia and many others were the community accounts.

All these accounts were given delegation from core team accounts at the start for almost more than a year.
What all big accounts you see now is what was supported by core team that time.

Even blurtgerman was supported that you might already know, who or who all people own.

These are just lies everywhere some people trying to get more blurt, nothing else.
And they are biting the same people now who helped them reach this position.
How sad, but I will not say anything more on this.

Some will say it's a lie, but people are free to visit block explorer and verify themselves.

Also the blurt earned from community accounts even blurtgerman was never returned back.

So you can ask that to return to the core team, if you asking for other accounts return.