@megadrive ... lying, lying, lying, lying, lying, lying, lying ...

in deutsch •  2 years ago  (edited)

I had already mentioned several times that I can't even count the countless lies of @megadrive anymore.

In his posts, in his comments and also in the Blurt-Witness channel on Discord.

Now he seems to have in new hobby, namely to post this picture with my smiley.

I know there are much more important issues.

The freezing of accounts and so many other errors with which @megadrive Blurt ruins.

But as this picture of @megadrive was also used in the Blurt-Witness channel to justify my lockout from this channel, I have no choice but to make this public.

Still I am a witness on place 30 of the witness list.

@megadrive uses this picture with my smiley face to make the most absurd insinuations.

  • I would be happy if the blurt price goes down.
  • I would manipulate the blurt price.
  • I would plan a coup.
  • Etc.

Everything is paranoid!

Now I'll show you the context in which I put my smiley.

It was a reaction to the "lol" of @mariuszkarowski.

And this "lol" of @mariuszkarowski was preceded by this comments.












You also lie by omitting!

Also, if you take something out of context, you are lying!

Now I'll tell you what's really behind the "lol" and my smiley face.

We were so shocked and stunned by the paranoia of @megadrive that we had to laugh self-ironically with quite a lot of black humor and with sadness.

"@double-u, who has ZERO BP, will take over and destroy blockchain? "

"Yeah, it's really crazy and would be funny if it wasn't so sad the way Blurt got. "

Also, we laughed self-ironically because my vote is only worth 0.xxx.

By saying "lol soon you will be able to buy BLURT at $0.001" @mariuszkarowski did not imply a plan, agenda or conspiracy, as @megadrive insinuates with false claims. All he was saying is that @megadrive will destroy Blurt so much that we can probably buy a Blurt for $0.001 unfortunately. And he was a bit ironic to me, since I had told him before that I could currently only vote him worth 0.xxx.

Why should I be interested in a bad Blurt course. This is idiotic!
I have supported many small accounts. People who buy food and medicine with Blurt.
Why should I want them to be miserable.
Some of my friends are still invested here. I would never want them to lose their money.
I myself still own Blurt on the exchange. Of course, I would not want to lose all my money either.

If someone is paranoid, he should find a doctor, but don't be the sole boss of a blockchain!

It's crazy that you have to deal with crap like this because of @megadrive's scheming!

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Before recent events, I did not understand the issues between you and @megadrive and it was more of a he said she said.....now to see things in action as of late, it's all very clear to me. I'm sorry you had to go through what you did, things should have been handled differently, that is for sure.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

And you are back again. Your first problem here on blurt brought the price down and little users panicked just when blurt started to have some good prices. Your second coming last week has brought the price down again. You said you have left and this time for good. Now you re back accusing and calling megadrive a liar and who knows the price of blurt will go down again. Please if you want to come back please power up and let us use blurt as we used to @double-u. Can’t you see how much damage you re causing to our dear platform. Go and settle your differences privately please!!!!!!!!!!

Now you re back accusing and calling megadrive a liar and who knows the price of blurt will go down again

who knows?

You should know because you are sending almost all your witness earnings to the exchanges

Check the powerdowns and exchanges order books. 5M BLURT can take the price to zero (at least for a while) on all exchanges

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

It is sad and I never thought a point will come when I will have to speak to him in this manner as I am not quick to judge and say things. You yourself never had intentions of powering down and you were going about voting users even me right from my time here and also supporting the blurt projects with 100% upvote. Re you aware that I will be going to the UK for a healthcare leadership MSc program and when I complete my program I will end up working at the blurt hospital. Did you support the project with your upvotes for it to fail? No! What happened to you after you saw double-u post?? Did you ever consider the small users who re frustrated and panicking because of the threat that these prices will make the users leave? Go and talk with megadrive in private and come to an agreement. Most persons easily misunderstand this man and quickly come online to condemn and say all sort of things, any human would react. You re an investor and your voice is important but you went about it wrongly. I would ask you to reconsider but know also that those stakes re yours and you can do with it whatever you want. Dear MK as a big investor please consider the small users and make blurt habitable for small users. Have a good day

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Ah, one look at your wallet explains it all.


You are appealing to the wrong person. The only thing I can do after MD's lying post abot me is power down and sell BLURT. My account will be frozen in 40 days because megadaddy from discord chat decided so

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It has to turn you off because I gave you a time of 40 days, nobody sees that, even though now that you have power they still praise you, wait to have 0BP in your account, everyone will be against you, they will say it was your fault because BLURT left the price to the floor, I'm telling you because that's what happened with @double-u while I had the power to vote, everyone said that it would clarify the problems, but then the vast majority turned their backs on him.

Do not doubt that when your BP power reaches 0, the person will publish something reproaching you for the value of the coin... So you want the best for the platform, but do not let you stay as the bad guy in the movie.

You are appealing to the wrong person. The only thing I can do after MD's lying post abot me is power down and sell BLURT. My account will be frozen in 40 days because megadaddy from discord chat decided so

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Now you re back accusing and calling megadrive a liar....

Can you reconcile this below - with your sentence above ?

“If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.”
― Mark Twain

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I have supported many small accounts. People who buy food and medicine with Blurt.

This is very true, I am very grateful for it, it helped me a lot, I know it helped other people too. I remember that once I read about you in a post that right now I don't remember the author, but it said if you know @double-u he has a noble heart, not only I verified that, many here, Sundays were not lacking to participate in the PUB, After arriving there, your votes helped me a lot to support my family, help my mother...

I know that you are a person with a noble heart, who does not like damage, it is a market game, the decline of the currency of BLURT, they do it just to say that it is your fault. The worst thing about now is that many are throwing stones at the one they once supported, since you no longer have BP power, they only say that they have nothing to gain from you.

But what we are grateful for, we continue to be grateful for. Thank you.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

How can you say he has a noble heart and doesn’t want damage when he ignited the whole thing. This is not nobility and if it is then you do not know what nobility is. First he powered down and left. Now he comes back to wreck it at each opportunity. That is not nobility.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Are you going to deny @celi130 knows what she knows!
You treat users here badly!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I made a short comment, with some links from other posts. because I don't want them to say @ celi130 I caused him a mental problem..

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You know I'm not going to say because they are my words, the same thing is happening with MK now, he is not seeing it..

The biggest blind man is the one who doesn't want to see the truth in front of him... that's the only thing I can say...
Why is BP MK turning off?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you very much! ❤

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

should read this post...

talk about double-u, explain something of what happened to see if you understand... Because the truth is in front of you...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you very much! ❤

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Ah, one look at your wallet explains it all.


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It is wrong to receive a delegation now? You re so funny and behave like child!

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Your comments also don't indicate you are a noble, nor are you a good curator, you are such a sycophant.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Well, when one is stupid, one no longer gets any ideas.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Act like a curator, don't act like a founder.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you very much! ❤

If @megadrive understood you out of context maybe you were ambiguous!! I wouldnt call someone a liar if i know they just didnt understand what i meant; i would clarify myself and not allow it take too long. We all want the good of blurt and this should be our goal.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

that wasn´t a misunderstanding that was taking out some parts of the the context to show a result one needs to let shine his arguments bright and trustworthy but they aren´t, in no way, its a shame to see such manipulative handling from someone who acts like a CEO !!!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you very much!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

you´re welcome ;)
Thats´just the picture I got from all this different accusations, posts and comments and the outcoming result of the analisys.

I believe in dialogue and peaceful resolution of issues..That can also happen here

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I truely believe in this too, but there must be movement on the side of the regents too like Jakob mentioned.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Maybe they were just joking ? 🙃

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Soon there will be sycophants commenting on this post or just reading it. I can't wait to see who the sycophants will comment on here with such bogus arguments.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Thanks for this clarification.

Do you know who @yvonne-b is ? Any ideas ?


Some suspicious trades here.

Maybe just a coincidence.



  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Paranoid though ?

You and several others have asked for the Foundation to just quit and hand everything over to the community. Does that mean all the developers just quit ?

How does anyone maintain the Blockchain ?

Maybe explain what the plan is. How would Blurt keep going ?

Your July 7 Post caused much FUD. Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt.
This seemed to drop the Price of Blurt from .02 to .006 rather quickly.

Maybe it’s all just a series of misunderstandings and unfortunate Events ?
