Determinism vs. Free Will: The Debate on Agency and Determination

in determinism •  8 months ago 

Big Words, Big Debate: Determinism vs. Free Will!

So, there are these super-duper big words—determinism and Free Will – and they're like having a big debate about who's in charge: us or fate!


What's Determinism?

Determinism is like saying everything is planned out. It's like a big script, and we're just following along. No surprises!


Free Will - What's That?

Free Will is the opposite! It's like saying we get to make choices and do our own thing. We're the boss of our decisions!


Who's in Control?

So, the big question is: Are we like puppets with someone pulling the strings (Determinism), or are we the superheroes making our own choices (Free Will)?


Let's Talk About It

It's a big, brainy debate, and smart people talk about it a lot. But hey, what do you think? Team Determinism or Team Free Will?


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