Control your Desires

in desire •  last year 


I've heard so many people say that their actions were motivated by their desires or emotions. You hear someone say something along the lines of, "Until I have gratified this particular sensation or need, there is nothing I can do about it. When I have these feelings or cravings, I simply can't be myself or use my judgment until I have fulfilled them. I'm going to ask you two straightforward questions right now: "Are you a slave to your emotions or desires?" likewise, "Does your desire actually own you, or do you actually own your desire?"

Anything a man cannot control overrides him. Have you ever wondered why some people act fairly cool and sensible when they don't yet have money or fame yet become proud, reckless, and idiotic as soon as they do? It's their fault because they let their wealth rule them rather than the other way around. They let the brief window of opportunity they had cause them to lose sight of their origins and what it means to be kind, courteous, and decent. This is but one illustration of what it means to be a slave to your feelings, desires, or possessions.

Man loses all distinction from an animal when he lets events, his emotions, or his desires to govern him. Because of this, the majority of them will do anything to sate a want or craving. A man who is driven by his emotions or desires finds it difficult to think things through before acting. Their needs or cravings drive them to act without thinking about the ramifications of their actions.

I've sat by myself several times and wondered why rape, sexual assault, drug abuse, corruption, violent crimes, murder, moral decadence, etc., are on the rise. I eventually realized that these anomalies plaguing our world have been growing dramatically recently because more men and women are becoming slaves to their emotions and desires. They are unable to refuse when they have the temptation to harm someone, take something that is not rightfully theirs, harm themselves, or disrupt society. The driving force behind their existence has been replaced by their emotions, desires, and passion for various things.

They have indulged their wants or desires so much that they are no longer able to restrain themselves. They are now owned by their wants, who work on them as they please. The majority of individuals are unaware of how much power they are giving excessive urges and cravings the more they indulge them. When a man's "Will" is usurped, he becomes a slave to whoever or whatever has taken possession of it. A man is his or her "Will," and when that Will is usurped, he/she becomes a slave to that which has claimed it.

Keep your "Will" intact by resisting excessive wants or urges. The more you give in to an excessive desire or feeling, the more it takes control of your life and claims your will. A man can lose his will with just a little bit of occasional carelessness. You may think that being irresponsible is simply a simple curiosity or fun, yet such simple curiosity or joy can imprison and consume you for the rest of your life.

Take command of your life and act wisely! Own your feelings and aspirations! Take control of your life and determine your course! Don't let your emotions or desires control your life since life consequences pass judgment on everyone depending on their behavior, regardless of whether you are in control of your life or not. Don't make anything your master since only you will be responsible for the results of your decisions.

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