Do You Need to Know Your Destiny Before You Decide to Be Successful?

in desire •  4 years ago 

In his book "Desire Destiny: How We Can Take Control of Our Life" Don Miguel Ruiz, MD writes that one of the keys to living a fulfilling life is to understand your desire. Desire is a powerful force in your life.

You might want to go on a trip with your wife or girlfriend but you don't know how much money you need and don't even know where you will want to take her. On the other hand, you might want to quit smoking but you don't know what to expect, so when you finally decide to quit smoking, it seems like a dream.

Destiny isn't destiny. You don't have to make a choice when you are born. Your destiny is what you choose to do. That decision will determine whether you reach your goal or not. The key is to be realistic about what you want in life and then take action toward it.

When you find yourself wanting something in your life and don't know how you can get it, you need to step back and ask yourself if it's really your destiny. It's important not to become consumed by the desire to be rich or successful or to have a beautiful house with a fancy car. You have to think realistically.

Desire isn't destiny; it's a choice. If you feel you are meant to have a certain house or car, it's important to be realistic about it and work toward achieving it. Even if it seems like a great idea, sometimes people don't really have that kind of money, time or energy available. It's important to understand that you can only reach your goal through hard work and dedication. That means you can't just set out to achieve whatever you want without doing any of those things first.

Desire is always a choice. If you are serious about reaching your destiny and working toward achieving that goal, you need to learn to say no. When you have too many things you need, you may end up getting bored. You have to make sure that you are doing your best to stay positive in order to achieve success.

Destiny does not exist. No one else knows your future. There is no God or any other source of help or guidance. You are the only person who can make a true choice and move toward it. You can't make your choices for yourself.

If you have ever asked someone in your family or circle of friends if they know your destiny, you're probably going to get a very negative answer. Because no one else knows it for you. They are looking at it from a personal perspective and you are looking at it from the outside.

Don't need to be told that you don't need a lot of money or possessions. or that you need to live in a house or that you need a fancy car or any other thing else that would seem to be necessary for success. If you believe in your own potential and believe in what you want to achieve, you will be able to create your own destiny.

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