Any kind of war is illigal ! - Reviewing Official Secrets -

in deepdives •  3 years ago 


We are living in a time full of opportunities. We don't need war at all. But still some people like to fight. I don't think the war is a civilized solution at all. We can always have a deal.

In this article, I would like to review the movie I just watched, that's called ''Official Secrets'' by Netflix, you can watch the trailer here :

That was deleted from Netflix themselves, so I can't find it here : , but google showed me in the search engine that the movie is by Netflix :


It seems that they remove it for a reason. But google seems to forget to do some homework. lol

But I found the movie on another website where it's possible to watch even for free here : Official Secrets on Fmovies.

So, the movie is about Katharine Gun who was working in Government Communications Headquarters. And here I learned about so many secret organizations in UK. I think the same exists in any country. So, there work is not transparent and that's not nice at all. I wish to see governments on the blockchain, so the elections will be open to everyone to see and will not be possible to fake them at all. Katharine Gun was a linguist in the organization and her work was only to check some information and translate, but suddenly she found out secret information that she didn't like. Something about the collusion of US and The United Nations. She was so afraid to share that to press, but she did that anyway. And the fun started after that.

For a while no one found out about that, but then the information get to the right hands, and it was published. Of course by law it's forbidden to share such information because of the non-transparent system we live in. Who controls the information can manipulate it. She found out information about that the war is illegal, but it started anyway in Iraq. I think the same is about Palestine before, and Libya and Syria after and even Lebanon. Usually when the country is little in became a victim of games of big countries. By the way you can check this video about the war in Ukraine and who is profiting from that :

Anyway, she acted really brave by sharing the information to the press. She doesn't want to see the war in Iraq, because she knew that only simple civilians will get hurts and the interests of big players will be achieved. The same about the war between Ukraine and Russia, people from both governments always stay safe. And only citizens of both countries will suffer. Ukrainians lose peace and even lives, Russians will live worse because of the sanctions. So, it's a loss for a lot of simple people, only a few powerful guys will benefit from that. The bigger fish eating the smaller.

I learned so many terms from the movie and some interesting names were also included there. Like Elizabeth Wilmshurst and The Lord Goldsmith. And some organizations I learned about like : National Security Agency and Secret Intelligence Service. So many secrets are hidden. And for publishing anything of that, people can get arrested or accused of betrayal. Just like what happened to Katharine Gun. She was lucky to be protected by the right guys and only because they decide to ask the government the proof helped her somehow. I will not get into details to not spoil if, but the movie is really awesome and it worth to watch.

I would say that any kind of war is illegal if it's in form of bombing incent citizens. They usually have nothing to do with the problems between government, and they are victims.

No matter how emotional we are toward any situation. We should never support such kind of war. Anything we do may make the situation only worse. We shouldn't be involved at all. We should care about our families first.

If the war starts in Russia, I will do everything to save my family. I'll die defending them !

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The best way to legalize war is to manipulate every piece of information. And always, whenever there is war, innocent civilians are sacrificed. Palestine, Libya, Syria, and Lebanon are clear evidence of how war is legalized, which is accompanied by massive manipulation of information. Of course that does not include small countries whose economies are weakening, natural wealth is taken forcibly, but it is still considered legal.

The saddest thing, there are always those who feel themselves as heroes to take advantage of every war that occurs. War has become business for them.

... I will do everything to save my family. I'll die defending them!

I will also do the same.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You are right. At least some of us know the truth and don't get crazy serving the propaganda of those who create the war. Those who act like heroes, but in fact they are all guilty.

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I don't see BCH in ionomy, but maybe there is a solution. You can also ask @offgridlife , he may know a better way to convert faster to BCH.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

War is never a good idea. The russian people should tell this Mr. Putin. Go on the street and shout it out! The Ukrainian people do exactly what you write: they die defending their families against Putin. And I believe it’s just Putin and not russia. But don’t worry, there won’t be a war in Russia. I hope for china to bring Putin back to a peaceful way.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Presidents usually don't care about those who get out in the street. Usually such activists are those who suffer after that and authority guys enjoy their live. The same happened to Kathrine Gun, she was lucky to have powerful evidences against the government and maybe in UK the court is more fair. But don't tell someone in a country like Russia or China to go against their government, they will be killed or jailed for life. Why to risk our lives when we know what will happen to us. Of course no one want the war if they are regular peaceful people, but everyone should estimate his power before starting a fight. The press is not turning people only on Russian government, but also on those who have nothing to do with that, Russian citizens, they don't have the power even to change things in their own country, how they can impact another one. Russian citizens are peaceful, and they don't want any war. All the sanctions are hurting them after all. That's not right. If politicians are fighting each other, why to involve citizens in that ? Have you seen any politician ( I mean a big one, like presidents and famous ministers ) participating in the war by their hand ? No, usually they use others for their dirty work. And they stay safe in general. Only citizens get hurt by being killed, losing work, homes, relative and hurt financially as well. Why I should pay as a Russian citizen for something I didn't do ? I have nothing to do with that war and I can't do anything about it. Those who created it should be punished, not me, not other citizens. And they should come with another way to punish them directly. That's why I think that everything is done to make the life of citizens worse, not to hurt politicians. Everything is done by purpose !

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

yes, i admit it's hard to stand up as an individual against a dictator like putin. but that's how revolutions start. and in russia there is an opposition that is also taking to the streets. and there will be more until the police and the army also stand up to putin. it worked in east germany, too, and the system collapsed. unfortunately, it is inevitable that the sanctions will also affect russian citizens, and here in the west no one wants that, but there is no other way. a regime that wages war with impunity against sovereign states that have given no cause for it must not continue to exist. ukraine scrapped its nuclear weapons with the assurance of russia that its territories would be recognized and protected. putin is invading one country after another, georgia, chechnya, ukraine, under the guise of his security interests? he is having people killed by the secret service all over europe. now it's over, the west should have shown him a long time ago that it's over. now it's only possible with sanctions that also affect the citizens of russia. your dictator is your problem. do something about it. putin cant arrest and kill millions of people in russia.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Those sanctions are continued from many years. You still think that Putin is the bad guy and the west are the saviors. But that's not true. I'm telling you they all work for the sake of the same plan. They all support the same agenda. Ukraine is just a battlefield of a war between the west and Russian government. That was always the case in many other countries, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and many other countries. You didn't get it in the pandemic when they all had the same restrictions ? You don't get it when you see the west calling Russia the bad guy and Russia calling the west the bad guy ? They are both bad, this is my position. Only citizens of both Russia and Ukraine will suffer from the sanction. If you support sanctions, you are against citizens, not politicians. I already wrote that they don't give a shit about them, they will keep having their billions, businesses and enjoy living a great life. When a simple Russian can't fly onboard because a country doesn't accept Russians, our politicians will just use their private airplanes. And you are telling me a simple citizen, that I have to pay for the mistakes of others. Interesting !

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Dont get me wrong, I agree that all politicians are the same greedy individuals all over the world. But my opinion is, in this case is only one bad guy and this is Putin. Its up to the russian people to burn his house. No other way. And if they are not willing to stand up against him, they have to suffer for his crimes. The sanctions will be hard for us too. Probably there will be no gas next winter to heat. The inflation is just now above all I ever saw in my life. OK then that is it. Thats the price for freedom. I hope you are not suffering too much on the sanctions. And that we are able to write here together till Putin switchs off your Internet to protect his regime. Or pushes the red button and bombs the world into nuclear winter.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Aha, stand against someone who lead all the army and everything, try to stand against your country about anything wrong they do and you will see what happen to you.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

that's the difference, with us everyone can say what he wants against the government and also protest for it on the street. the government can't do anything about it, it doesn't even want to. and there are always ways to do something, even without having to expose yourself directly to danger. even if only anonymously on the Internet. but everyone has to decide for themselves.