Formation and Importance of Communities | DCC Label Contest

in dcc •  2 years ago 

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Unity is strength.

We can call a community a group that will enable people with similar thoughts and goals to come together and move forward more strongly in the direction they aim for.

The main purpose here is to help people of different qualities meet on a common ground and raise their voices in a higher tone, as a result of helping each other to do a job that no individual can accomplish alone.

As the number of participants in the community increases, so does its power and influence.

If we exemplify this in different areas, we can also consider it as clusters of people collaborating to provide their basic interests on the common ground they meet.

Bringing together people who serve a similar purpose and organizing them on the right topic is like tying each link of the chain together. Cooperation in the community is the most important factor that keeps the chain intact.

The formation, which started with a few years ago and continued with, brought together hundreds of thousands of BitcoinCash users on a common ground under the same community, improvised. The goal here is to increase the number of people using BCH and BCH adoption rates, and it has worked.

For hundreds of thousands of people who do not know what BitcoinCash is, BCH has become an indispensable product today. It has also contributed to effects such as the adoption and growing popularity of crypto.

The common denominator and the power of cooperation in the formation of communities creates an influence and power that no one can easily counter. No one can achieve this influence and power individually.

Think of any leader you can think of and admire! Individually it is nothing unless there is a community behind it. The most important feature that makes him a leader is the flood of people he brings together to serve a common purpose. This flood of people can overcome any obstacle in line with its power.

Or a general wouldn't dare to go to war, let alone win a war, unless he had devoted soldiers behind him.

The power held in communities can be determined by the number of people added to the chain and the protection of common interests. The created community should serve the interests of those who create the community so that the cooperation provided will increase. In communities where cooperation and common interests are not protected, different voices will emerge and the community is likely to disintegrate. Moving forward on the determined roadmap will strengthen the links of the chain.

Non-governmental organizations, trade unions, parties, associations are examples of some communities of daily life. Different ways have been followed in the formation of each and they serve different purposes.

When you protest a power or brand alone, they will not even be aware of your existence.

When you protest with ten thousand people, you get their attention.

When you protest with a hundred thousand people, they come to listen to you.

When you protest with a million people, you get all the rights you demand from it.

When it comes to crypto and everyone who has a heart for crypto gathers around a common value, denominator, purpose and cooperates together, the barriers are broken one by one. Crypto users are increasing day by day and they are going to various formations around common benefits. This is why the number of companies that have to accept crypto is increasing day by day.

Everything in the world is born out of necessity. The washing machine was invented and produced because it was a necessity. As the growing number of crypto users grow into small communities formed, join forces and say, one day ''we do not accept payments except crypto," one after another accepting crypto will form a stampede.

Because man is the main source of all kinds of power. The community is the rings of that power.

#dcc #community

It is my venture into the DCC tag contest launched on the blurt platform by dear @clixmoney.

This week's tag is #community. If you want to participate in the competition where the winners will be rewarded with the hive blockchain and DCC tokens on SmartBCH, you can access it from the title below.

Blurt Contest - Let's support #community & earn DCC !

Under the label of the community, @northern-tracey is the subject of freedom. Quite an interesting article about the freedom we actually want but don't know the meaning of.

.If you can't take care of yourself in every way then you will never be free because you are relying on someone (or something) else to take care of something for you on your behalf and for your perceived benefit. This makes you a child or a slave to someone else. Or does it?
Just like when mum said you can go out and play when you've eaten your carrots/drank your milk/done your homework. She will give you a bit of freedom to do what you want only after you have done what she wants, even if her demands are perceived to be also for your benefit.

You can find the full article under the heading below.


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Nice. I saw an announcement post for this contest. Now, we are glad that we got to see one of the entries to the contest.

Massive adoption of crypto will happen. It's something thw crypto communities are looking forward to and it's just a matter of it before it becomes our reality.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you, I was waiting for the contest to be active on blurt.

Yeah. It's here and here to stay. I hope to read more entries

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Thank you for your contribution to the Blurt ecosystem.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you, it's great to be on the blurta.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you.