Nigeria Humor Gone Wrong

in dcc •  2 years ago 

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When we talk about humor or perhaps comedy, I feel they have to do with something that lifts people's spirit and makes things that kind of look bad in the eyes of people look small and easy to handle which helps reduce anxiety and worries from the heart of many.

When the Covid-19 era came, even though it was a serious issue to be considered many skit makers or comedians made a lot of humor out of it and made it look like it was something small and easy, and that alone kept us hoping that one day, the era would pass away while we practice all measures to keep us safe and I believe that is what humor is meant to look like.

Reading through the contest question, got me thinking back to one of the incidents that made me feel comedy or humor or a comedian should be properly scrutinized before he or she is allowed to step up on the stage and make some jokes that he feels are funny but to others aren't funny.

Most comedians most especially my Nigerian comedians take delight in cracking jokes about people's families or using some things they know about a person to joke about and I wonder why it should be so.

Comedies or humor are meant to make people forget about their issues or live life at that moment and not remind them about the struggles they are going through at your delight.

A comedian or MC like we call them over here is given a deal to handle a marriage ceremony and all he those is talk about the couples and make some humor about their guest that isn't right.

I mean, I continuously say, if making humor about people's families makes you happy then why not make one about your family if that's what gives you joy.

This reminds me of the story about Chris, Jade, and Wills, I mean nobody will sit down and watch you make humor about their personal situation no matter how funny you think it is but many would do and still think it is funny.

For my kind of person who doesn't mind making fun of myself but wouldn't welcome it when a total stranger makes fun of me all in the name of humor, I don't know how I would have felt if I was Jade that day.

Make humor that makes people laugh and not humor that makes people insecure about themselves and that is why it was brought from the beginning. If making humor at other people's expense is what makes them a comedian then, I think making humor about their family should be their target.

So, from my point of view, humor should have a limit especially if it involves others.

I am not and never been a lover of dark humor because I see them in my dream and they stick in my brain for as long as I can remember, so dark humor is never something of entertainment for me.

I cut a loop of my sister Maria Isabel's hair[ENG-ESP] by @mariela53 caught my attention.

The teacher punished me and immediately sent a note to my mom. She said she would come by the school to deal with matters related to the girl Mariela hahahahaha. I gave the note to my mother myself and the next day my mother accompanied me to the school to talk to the teacher about the notice.

The part where even when she knew what the content of the note was, she still took the note to her mom.

It reminded me of how many times when I was asked to bring my parents, especially my dad to school for the crime I committed, I usually lie to the teachers that my dad had traveled and won't be coming back until a month later and that was how I was saved many times from being flogged by my dad for a crime I committed because I was sure that if my father got to know about what I did, I would be mercilessly beaten.

This is my entry to the @dcooperation contest with the theme DCC tag contest - Let's support #humor

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