Elite Monk Status Update (It's NEVER Going To Be Enough Guys)

in dating •  9 months ago 

I already knew this and a lot of you likely already figure this out as well but you are likely never going to have enough status, be rich enough, be jacked enough, be handsome enough, drive a cool enough car, memorize enough bible verses, have cool enough tattoos, or recite enough Anchorman, Zoolander, and Superbad lines to obtain and retain the women you really want and who you feel like you deserve on a looks equivalency scale.

There might be a 1 or 2% chance some smalltown girl hook armed you in High School and for the time being you are still together. For the other 98% of guys out there either you have given up or on this constant climb to become better which will oftentimes get you scraps in countries like the United States.

I'm not here to complain about the situation. I want to provide my findings through my observations and talking to guys all over the country and the World about the current dating dynamics.

Everything we do in this world is to obtain and retain women and the attention of women. A lot of people will fight tooth and nail in an attempt to dispute or deny this but if a man has normal testosterone levels and is active they are driven constantly by this.

Guys will even say they stopped pursuing women years ago and couldn't be happier. Then you realize they wrote that in the comment section of a RedPill YouTube video. They aren't happy or at peace with the situation at hand.

In the United States the mass majority of situations are a date down like the picture above. You could have your health and fitness on point and what you attract is likely 2 or 3 notches below your looks equivalency. This is the shocking reality but I have experienced this many MANY times first hand.

Suddenly you are the clear and obvious Apex Predator and you are getting the half smiles from the morbidly obese women.

The women are able to get away with poor health here because the government will support them and men are forced to be extreme scrapsexuals. 🤢

Why I Went Elite Monk Status

Me and one of my friends in California both got to a point where we knew if we continued to encumber our time with the women we were trying to talk to it was going to burn too much time and we wouldn't ascend to the level we would if we just dialed in. It's risky because you are losing time and your age will further and further hurt you as time goes on.

Some guys will lie to you about this and say to just focus on your grind and some dime piece chick is going to fall in your lap. That's almost never going to happen. You still have to be presenting yourself a certain way and putting out content and showing up places where there are women for there to even be the slim potential for anything to occur.

If you are the guys who is over 6' tall, athletic, have abs, are funny and personable and the whole bit the women will at some point find a way to derail the situation the majority of the time. Ask Tom Brady and Brad Pitt.

Can you imagine being an active player in the NFL and the undisputed GOAT 🐐 with objectively good looks and the chick still isn't satisfied and is even cheating on you with her Jujitsu Coach?!?!

In my experience I get better reactions from women when I'm 210lb or even 205lb. In the picture above I was 211lb. The issue is I have more throwing and hitting power at 220lb but my jawline isn't as sharp and my abs and taper aren't as good. I have tested this with the women.

So I'm out here getting very legitimate hitters out bossing out and earlier in the spring to get my shoulder in shape I trained to throw the javelin and entered an open meet and crushed the competition so these guys who are primarily 21-23 years old haven't arrived where I'm at around here. The hitters who are primarily 25-35 are getting out.

Even at the point you are winning the Olympics or are in the MLB or you are Superman himself its not necessarily going to convert to getting with the women you want or having a family with some hottie.

There were dudes winning multiple Olympics with a great look like we see with Andreas above that seemingly didn't get married and sort of disappeared from existence.

Superman himself appears to be single and said he plays video games like 4 hours / day.

So What About The Success Stories?

I have asked all my friends at various times and one of the guys I recently asked who is from New York City said none of the guys from High School or College ended up with a chick where people are giving the nod of approval and it seems to be a good situation. NOT 1 🤯🤯🤯

Same thing when I look at it myself for the most part. There are a couple situations where I can say it is a decent situation but most situations are a severe date down or ended in a divorce or custody battle. Just pure carnage.

So What's The Solution?

Guys I speak from experience here. I'm not some dude who didn't put in the work and has no receipts.

So what was wrong with these chicks? Well the chick with red hair basically was a meth baby and had addiction issues. She was saying weird stuff right off the bat about how some guy was trying to sex traffic her up in Chicago. I was like WTF? Then she admits she downs bottles of cough surup at her job at Dollar General to get through her shifts. It was going to be a major cleanup job on that chick even though she was hot.

The chick pushing me in the shopping cart in Miami kept going on about Pete Buttigieg and even had a shirt with him on it. It was weird. She also secretly smoked cigarettes but despite all this I was still dealing with the situation and ultimately she got super stressed out and stopped talking to me. In these situations you have to go no contact unfortunately which may or may not work in 2024. Recently I had a chick who cut me off come back around.

We are all just trying to adapt to this hellscape and I didn't grow up saying I was going to become an extreme savage when I grow up. This is just the situation we are in.

Usually when they are a looks equivalent there are MAJOR issues.

A lot of women are looking for a lifestyle sponsor / sugar daddy and a lot of chicks have turned to whoring themselves out. I'm not trying to say its right or wrong I'm just saying that is what's going on more and more.

I have had several women joke around about needing a Sugar Daddy. They Aren't JOKING..... in reality they want me to drop a precious bag of Dogecoins on their head just for existing.

I have never directly paid cash money to a chick. I get why guys do though because they are trying to overcome the gap that other guys might be presenting in the way of looks, physique, athleticism, status, height..... etc. I get it.

I'm honestly not trying to player hate on the guys leading ultra heavy with their wallet.

I have just had to adapt to this reality that a lot of dudes are paying cash money to these chicks that 30 years ago would have been your girl next door from a good family. Now they are selling themselves. It's just the reality.


My experience in Canada last summer was eye opening. I had a higher level of traction up there with a higher tier of chicks. On average the Canadian women are hotter than American women. The same goes for Australian women.

Why didn't I stay up there? I thought about it. The one chick that I could have really see a future with was trying to pit me against some dude who supposedly had a penthouse in downtown Toronto. I called bullshit on it and told her there is a reason she was bringing me in late night. Homeboy wasn't getting the job done. He just had deep pockets. Told her if she went that route her kids are getting cut from 8th grade basketball. 😂

Imagine pulling up in a Bentley in a foreign country and fucking the spirit out of her multiple times to where she is saying she has never been that wet in her entire life and I still lost traction.

We are all ruined in a lot of ways from this current dating climate. Should have been a lock. 🔒 Not anymore!

I know what you are thinking? Maybe Brian's game isn't that good? I have played devils advocate with this one and the overall statistics paint a bleak picture for many countries. Birthrate implosions, high suicide rates, the lack of sex getting so rampant they are reporting on it calling it a sex recession.

Also I have made a lot of anecdotal observations and when I see 95% of hot female college athletes always single I know there is a huge issue. Why isn't the hot track girl dating a stud puppy on the track team? Well because I entered the competition and blew everyone out and drove away in a Bentley and then went city to city locking up professional hitters on the baseball field. But I'm too old. But then that jacked 6'3" firefighter doesn't have blue eyes and there is always and issue and nothing is ever good enough.

Social media has really made people think there is something always better out there and I'm not trying to point fingers but a lot falls back to the women because they get a 1000X the attention of a man with an equivalent look. They are often the ones pulling the plug on a situation or marriage. The statistics show this.

I think my best bet to GeoMax are places like Poland, Croatia, Montenegro. I think if I go to Germany or the Netherlands it will be fleeting traction. If all that fails I would be better off taking up residency in Canada or Australia in comparison to anywhere in the United States. This is based on real world experience.

What Should You Do

I think anyone reading this should seriously consider trying to essentuate your X Factors. For Instance I don't grow facial hair on my chin because I found that the dimple in my chin is an X Factor for me.

Then plot course to live overseas where the women are more attractive on average and where the mindset might take us back a couple generations. The women are on a weird woke journey in the United States. Most men aren't going to find that to our advantage here.

"Settling" here is likely to be a severe date down because most of the legitimately hot women wait until they are aged out or suddenly way overweight to lock themselves in a relationship here. They would be way better off just picking a dude they are into when they are 21 but the chicks who generally doing that here are picking a dude who is 23 which can make sense. They generally aren't looking for guys in their 30s even if you far out play the competition here. If she stays single she isn't going to starve and she can rack up hundreds of thousands in student loan, auto loan, and credit card debt so she is going to get by without a dude around.

That's why if you build yourself up as much as humanly possible and go to where the women are way hotter on average and you can vastly out play the competition it would stand to reason the friction is going to be less.

I would say the sooner you get out the better. Looking back on it I should have pulled the plug in my 20s but the reason I didn't is because the best baseball is played in the United States so that has partially kept me here but more and more International opportunities are presenting themselves st this point.

I would say completely giving up isn't a good answer because you have to pick your vices in this world. If you aren't getting that dopamine rush from sex you will have to overcome it with some potentially unnatural way like drugs.

In a lot of respects this environment of staying on it has kept me in way better health than most who either gave up or packed it in early and settled for the scraps.

Which country do you guys feel has the hottest women?

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