Packing yourself in the dark : Any good ?

in darkness •  2 years ago 


Keeping yourself in the dark refers to the practice of avoiding information or news that can be unsettling, stressful, or negative. In today's world, where information is readily available at our fingertips, it is important to understand the benefits of keeping yourself in the dark, as well as the potential drawbacks.

The benefits of keeping yourself in the dark include:



Reduced stress and anxiety: When you limit the amount of negative news or information that you consume, you reduce your stress levels. This can lead to improved mental and emotional well-being.

Improved sleep: Avoiding negative news before bedtime can help you sleep better, as you are less likely to be disturbed by distressing images or stories.

Increased focus and productivity: When you limit the amount of information that you consume, you free up mental space, allowing you to concentrate better on tasks at hand.



Improved relationships: When you avoid negative news and information, you are less likely to be drawn into arguments or discussions that can damage relationships.

However, there are also potential drawbacks to keeping yourself in the dark:

Lack of awareness: When you limit the amount of information that you consume, you may not be fully informed on important events or developments, and may miss out on valuable insights.

Inability to participate in discussions: By limiting the amount of information that you consume, you may find it difficult to contribute to conversations and discussions with others, as you may not be up-to-date on current events.

Reduced empathy: When you limit your exposure to negative news and information, you may become less empathetic towards others and less aware of the difficulties and challenges that others face.



While keeping yourself in the dark has its benefits, it is important to find a balance between limiting your exposure to negative news and information and being fully informed.

It is recommended to set aside specific times during the day to catch up on news and information, rather than consuming it continuously throughout the day.

This way, you can reduce the impact of negative news and information on your mental and emotional well-being, while still staying informed and connected to the world.

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