Diary #1: Mentor

in dairy •  2 years ago 

Source: Private document

I have a friend called Kang Enos. He understood quite well how blockchain works. Whereas in the past I thought his understanding of blockchain was bad.

The thing I remember most is: he analyzed the metaverse with "living in another world". This is very strange to me. Especially when he uses his philosophical perspective. Metaverse has become more and more complicated in my understanding because of him. Whereas the easiest analogy is with the "RPG game world" which is both virtual.

But now Kang Enos' understanding of blockchain is very good. If this is a competition. He must be in the first place. Then I was ranked number two counting backward, haha. His understanding is amazing.

Recently he advised me to understand the two types of blockchain. Monolithic blockchain and modular blockchain. Simply put, it is a shared system in the blockchain. Then I studied the two types of blockchain with the help of youtube and the website. I got some understanding.

It might be said that Kang Enos was my mentor to understand blockchain. He gave me a lot of insight into the blockchain. Both insight into the form of the system technology, how blockchain works, to the benefits of using the features provided on the blockchain network.

Do you also have a mentor to understand blockchain?

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