in dailyinspirationalword •  8 months ago 

Happy Thursday evening beloved family and friends on this big platform. Its my pleasure this evening to share with you the story of God's love part three.
This is the continuation of the part two;
Some of you guys grew up in a home where your father always said things like, 'You're a failure,' 'Why can't you be more like your sister?' 'Why can't you be more like your brother?' 'When are you ever going to get your life together?' 'We can't count on you for anything.' 'You're never going to amount to anything.' 'You're unworthy of love.' 'You're unworthy of my time.' And maybe that's what you heard growing up. I wanted to speak to you and let you know that you're worthy, not because of what you've done, but because of what Jesus said and did. He said it in more than words; he said it in action. He said, 'You're worth enough to me that I'll pay the price of Heaven, to go to the cross and die in your place so that you could have life and start over again when you fail.' Are you with me? God wants you to know today, you are not used up, you are not unworthy, you are not a failure.
You have a father that loves you, and he believes in you. Thank you



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