The Favor of a Receptive Heart

in dailyinspirationalword •  7 days ago 

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A modest and receptive heart finds favor with God. The Almighty will listen to it, no matter what. His heart gravitates toward obedience and modesty. He understands that one can trust His truth to a receptive heart. He has therefore discovered someone with whom He can bestow His grace when He finds them to be receptive to righteousness. A receptive heart is ready to comply, teachable, and sensitive to the truth. It is not the same as having a hard heart.

Whereas a responsive heart runs from the sight of sin, a rigid heart stews in its juices. Acting on its impulse, a responsive heart makes the decision to transform permanently. The Lord's conviction permeates your spirit, despite your attitude of mistrust or rage. A receptive heart aims to be forgiving and trusting rather than offering justifications for this inappropriate conduct.

You are continually being advised, instructed, persuaded, and nudged to adopt the traits of Christ by God and godly influences. Your life responds to Him with suitable attitudes and deeds when His Word resonates with your heart. Living for Jesus, then, is a form of worship. Your willingness to accept the truth is evidence of the existence of God. People are drawn to you and God when you obey Him. Setting a good example for your kids in this area is wise. At a young age, you have greatly benefited them if you can instill in them a sensitive and receptive heart toward God. While God's purposes are greater than life, begin early.

Address any affections that conflict with Christ and get rid of them. Provide generosity to put money in its rightful position if that is what motivates your actions. If your job is your worship, schedule some downtime and put your confidence in Jesus. Take a break from your fixation with the Internet or television for a while. Take some time to reflect in silence with a heart that is receptive to the Lord, and avoid voicemail, email, and meetings. Being busy or distracted can make it harder for you to discern the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Therefore, try to do less and entrust what remains to God and others. You alone are capable of managing your heart; others can handle these problems. A non-responding heart will eventually experience spiritual obstruction and shut down. Respond to God's things to properly exercise it. To enliven with His wisdom and discernment, He seeks for modest souls. Remain receptive to your Father in heaven, and marvel at how He answers you in a calm, brave, and loving manner. A heart that is receptive to God obeys Him quickly and sins slowly.


[@bam-bi is a Christian who is committed to using blurt blockchain to spread the word about God's love and the transformative message of the Bible. Bambi is tasked with spreading the good news and the love of Christ. Through media, people can learn how to apply biblical truth to every aspect of their life and be inspired to serve others.]


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