Choosing What is Right

in dailyinspirationalword •  7 days ago 

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Do the correct thing since it is impossible to go wrong. The right decision might not be the easiest, but it leads to in the best outcome. It is tempting to choose what is convenient or expedient above what is right. However, ease and expedience can lead to difficulties if they are used as an excuse for failing to do the right thing. The correct thing may stir some feathers and give you short-term discomfort. Some individuals may reject you because you are doing the right thing.

Certain individuals might avoid you since your excellent decisions serve as an example of their bad ones. When you decide to do the right thing, you exclude alternative undesirable options. This shields you against a string of unwise relationships. If you choose to associate with people who have no religious aspirations, you will become uninterested in God.

If your most powerful relationship is with God, boredom will eventually lure you as well. It is not a good idea to invest in dysfunctional relationships. Your parents and friends have urged you not to pursue this path of relational recklessness. One can still do the appropriate thing by ending the relationship and looking to God for the best. His best is a hundreds of times better than compromising for an individual who make you "feel alive" but lacks a solid foundation of faith.

Be cautious about who you trust with your emotions. Your feelings are not to be distributed randomly. The proper thing to do is to fix your feelings above, where Christ sits at God's right side (Colossians 3:1-2). Then trust Him as you distribute your wishes to people who are deserving and have your best desires at heart.

It takes trust to do the right thing. Can God have faith with the outcomes of your good choices? Yes. When you reject the good advise of those who truly care, you are on your own. If you settle for anything less than the greatest, your results will suffer. Choosing what is "good" over what is "best" is not the proper decision. God can be entrusted to handle what happens when a bad relationship ends. He has an individual better in mind, someone who will uplift you spiritually rather than bring you down.

So do the correct thing and put your trust in God for the outcome. It can cost you both cash and time, but how valuable is live without regret? If it's a financial duty, take the path of least resistance and do what's more expensive, even if it's less convenient. Others could encourage you not to do the privilege thing because their view of the line between right and wrong is skewed. Seek God's definition of what is right. Do not be frightened by those who disagree with your correct choices. Make the proper choice and put your trust in God. Furthermore, avoid arrogance. Your virtuous decisions do not elevate you spiritually.

Because it's the correct thing to do. And do it in a humble, gracious, and patient manner. It is impossible to go wrong by doing the right thing.


[@bam-bi is a Christian who is committed to using blurt blockchain to spread the word about God's love and the transformative message of the Bible. Bambi is tasked with spreading the good news and the love of Christ. Through media, people can learn how to apply biblical truth to every aspect of their life and be inspired to serve others.]


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