A Reflection on Rising Costs and Lives Struggling For Survival

in dailyinspirationalword •  5 days ago 

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Good evening from here, let me share this story of mine with you all.

I went to grab a pack of noodles sometime back. My budget was #6000, which was reasonable, considering I normally purchased it for about #4500. I found out it was #7500 when I got to the store. It stunned me. For the first time, I was unable to achieve my overbudget goal. I opted not to buy it that day out of frustration.

Going back to the store two weeks later, I gave it another shot. You can just imagine my outrage upon realizing it had increased to #12,000 naira. A staple sustenance for millions of Nigerians, noodles are known as the "hungry man's food." more than #10,000 naira Nigerian increase now. When members of the Indomie generation are unable to purchase Indomie, is that not an issue?

When a parent used to buy ten packs of noodles, they now only need three packs. How can they explain this to their kids? The hike in price of this nation is really growing wide.

It's hot in this country. Humans are going hungry. There's no breathing space. It's difficult to even live or survive. I think of the woman who puts in a lot of labor every day. Her morning chores include cleaning offices and restrooms. She works as a nanny in the afternoon in a household with an average salary. She is a bartender at a nearby establishment at night, all this, just to earn and feed her family.

She can't afford a house, so she doesn't have one. She thus occupies a temporary shelter along with her four kids. Moreover, she is unable to buy these kids even a pack of noodles.

Since one of them has asthma, she will never be able to buy her child an inhaler. The child's chance of dying is increased. A sick, hungry child.
Think about people who live their entire life worrying about what they will eat in the next few hours. The nation is pressuring kids to never consider the future. Think about those who lack the means to save money.

I pray that everyone will reach out with their hands, hearts, and minds to those who are suffocating, in any way they can. I hope that despite the fact that things may be difficult for us, we are appreciative for life itself, hoping God will provide.

Finally, make sure everyday to touch someone's life positively in any way you can. May God bless you all.


[@bam-bi is a Christian who is committed to using blurt blockchain to spread the word about God's love and the transformative message of the Bible. Bambi is tasked with spreading the good news and the love of Christ. Through media, people can learn how to apply biblical truth to every aspect of their life and be inspired to serve others.]


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