The Invaluable Integrity of Devoted Followers of Christ

in dailyinspirationalword •  4 days ago 

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The people who love their Lord and Savior, Jesus, will not pay for integrity. Money or position cannot entice someone who values integrity's influence, accountability, and favorable outcomes. Integrity is your leadership calling card, as well as evidence of your trust in Christ. Integrity may be your biggest value that is not listed on your balance sheet, and it is not for sale among committed followers of the Lord.

Furthermore, a desire of money renders you susceptible to compromising your integrity. Money can steer your motives in a bad direction, so don't disguise your good deeds as a desire for wealth. You are unable to reason your way around unethical techniques of earning money, even if the results are desirable. You do not have to sacrifice your God-given beliefs in order to increase your net worth. Due to their position in life, prominence, and track record of honesty, effective leaders earn respect, trust, and goodwill over time.

Indeed, integrity entails being faithful to yourself and God's call on your life, so be yourself in Him. Integrity does not need to be proven. Instead, it is based on being itself. Align your actions with your being, as this is the core of honesty. Furthermore, if you have lost your integrity, Christ may help you find it again. So come to Him with honesty and humility. Be honest with your heavenly Father about your failures and missed chances. Allow Him to love you during this period of change and trust-rebuilding.

It will take time for people who have been harmed to begin healing and reconciling. However, the longer you demonstrate to yourself and others that you are genuine, the stronger your integrity will become. A track record of loyalty feeds the roots of integrity and yields long-term results. Develop integrity via prayer and service, and then watch it flourish. Take the time to carry out your promises because consistency and follow-through build credibility.

Invest in people so that they do not believe you have used them solely to achieve your goals. Integrity requires that you do what is right, in the right way, and at the right time. Integrity does not disparage others or become enamored with material possessions. It obtains traction through thankfulness for God's grace rather than losing its footing on the allegiance ledge of money. Walking with your Lord will lead you to integrity, which brings serenity and security. As a result, get it, keep it, and don't sell it for anything.


[@bam-bi is a Christian who is committed to using blurt blockchain to spread the word about God's love and the transformative message of the Bible. Bambi is tasked with spreading the good news and the love of Christ. Through media, people can learn how to apply biblical truth to every aspect of their life and be inspired to serve others.]


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