Morning Inspirational word

in dailyinspirationalword •  8 days ago 



Good morning, dear friends, and welcome to another beautiful day.

God wants His children to take care of their bodies by providing them a wholesome diet. Guidelines for nutrition have been established by the Creator of the body and have been shown to be advantageous for physical health. Only the One who created us would know more than anyone what to put in our mouths and put in our stomachs. He who gives orders for fruits, nuts, and vegetables to grow is the original creator of an entirely natural diet. Returning to natural foods is a step toward taking care of our bodies in the way the Lord has commanded.

Many of us were physically able to consume a greater variety and quantity of food when we were younger, but as we get older, wiser, and gain more weight, we are able to make better informed eating choices. It's safe to assume that no matter what stage of life we're in, we're wise to watch what and how much we eat. Typically, we have better control over our calorie and nutritional intake when we prepare a menu ahead of time and eat at home.

Yes, if you follow your Maker's diet rather than a random approach to healthy food, He will make you healthier. For instance, concentrate on eating modest amounts of lean protein, such fish, poultry, or beef, along with a crisp salad, fresh veggies, and fresh fruit. Furthermore, God can ask you to temporarily give up meat in favor of a vegetarian diet. Your appetite is tamed by temperance. Be careful though, as the menu becomes an idol due to food cravings. Thus, begin by merely eating modest portions of fresh food. You feel better when you take good care of your body, which is the temple of the Holy Spirit.

Finally, keep your intake of non-water beverages to a minimum. Any excessive consumption of juice, coffee, tea, soda, or alcohol will add up to too many calories over time, which can eventually lead to obesity and other illnesses. Nutritional values and liquid calories need to be watched just as closely as solid ones. Additionally, watch how much sugar and sodium you consume because eating out at restaurants can provide you with both of these harmful substances. Above all, regard yourself as a prudent physical caretaker of the body of your Creator. See God's precise instructions in Acts 10:9–16 and Leviticus 11:1-47. Like Daniel, manage your appetites by the Spirit so that people will want to know why you do what you do.




"Sing to the LORD a new song—His praise in the assembly of the godly. Let Israel rejoice in their Maker; let the children of Zion rejoice in their King. Let them praise His name with dancing, and make music to Him with tambourine and harp. For the LORD takes pleasure in His people; He adorns the afflicted with salvation." - Psalm 149:1-4"

Wishing you a lovely day

[@bam-bi is a Christian who is committed to using blurt blockchain to spread the word about God's love and the transformative message of the 8 and the love of Christ. Through media, people can learn how to apply biblical truth to every aspect of their life and be inspired to serve others.]


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