Hello, friends!
In the morning I ate some Chestnuts flour cake, then prepared my self and biked to Pietrasanta and Capezzano Monte, following a cyclist and seeing a group of people with dogs. I returned home passing by Ripa and stopping near a fountain to fill some little bottles. I had a shower, and lunch with brother. I remained with the roommate, watched videos and read some pages of a book. I went to grandma and had dinner there, watching an italian music festival thanks to the television. I greeted and came back home, then went to sleep.
Goodnight and read you tomorrow friends!

I took the shot above by smartphone and I edited it thanks to the Snapseed Android app.
If you are a photography lover and you want to have some fun with it, I am launching a photography contest for fun each week. The mechanism is quite difficult due to the several rules, but you can find a place where happiness and fun are the only goals. Read about PHOTOCHAIN CLICKING HERE.
Ciao Amici!
In mattinata ho mangiato della torta di castagne, poi mi sono preparato e ho pedalato fino a Pietrasanta e Capezzano Monte, seguendo un ciclista e vedendo un gruppo di persone con dei cani. Sono tornato a casa passando da Ripa e fermandomi vicino a una fontana per riempire alcune bottigliette. Ho fatto una doccia, e ho pranzato con il fratello. Sono rimasto con il coinquilino, ho guardato dei video e letto alcune pagine di un libro. Sono andato da nonna e ho cenato là, guardando un festival musicale italiano grazie alla tv. Ho salutato e sono tornato a casa, poi sono andato a nanna.