Day #2

in dailyblurt •  2 years ago 

Dude! Another stellar day : )

I abandoned the HDU cutout until further notice. I shrunk the “brick” down and still can’t cut the angle on it. I’ll ask google later.

We uncheck the box for Enable Tool Compensation under Router Offset. That’s if we get back into sharpening our bits. (Dave at SAi told me that.)

Oh, yeah…

I called SAi because we lost communication back to the host and I was hoping they would tell me what process or service we could verify, but NO! that’s a network thing… (I opened a ticket with KOSH.)

Update from MultiCam:

Ticket # 011 503 71 (Emanuel)

We adjusted absolute Z to 0.015” below cutting the felt. (Dave was there, and I really protested that this machine was “squarely” and I’m NOT in any way taking responsibility for doing this, but whatever… It went from .02 to .035).

It’s the oscillating knife that’s doing it (tool #31), so we’ll keep an eye on it.

Might be able to mend the mat, but that’s a big MIGHT. They emailed Dave, but just so you have it. The PN for the glue is:


To access the Service Menu:

SHIFT - ? - CLAPPER (hold)

We should have the brushed ACM cut out tomorrow morning once the 3000 is working again.

Here’s some pics.





Enjoy the night 😎

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