Rain on a farm day

in dailyblog •  last year 

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Apart from being stuck in a situation where there's no way to escape being beaten by rain, such as;

  • Travelling on a bike in a bushy road where there are no houses to take cover.
  • Maybe I got caught in the rain on the way home from school.
  • Going to school in the rain for exams or tests.
  • Going the church in the rain.

I've been mercilessly dealt with by the rain on uncountable occasions. Let me share this particular one;

Way back when I was younger and staying in the family house, we go to the farm almost every day anytime we're on holidays, and when school is active, Saturday's farm is mandatory.

I don't know how my dad came to love farm work so much that he doesn't care whether it's raining or not, we would enter and go to farm, and he normally says, "Working under the rain is sweet; you don't get heared, your body becomes cool, and you don't get tired."🤧

There was one particular Friday; it was a public holiday so farmwork was inevitable. He woke my sisters up and forced them to go to the kitchen to prepare breakfast so we could eat and zoom off to the farm. My sister frowned, but they had no option but to obey, so they sluggishly began to do their kitchen things while my dad was busy bringing out working tools and sharpening the cutlass while we were waiting for breakfast to get ready.

Then suddenly, the cloud changed, and everywhere became dark. I and my siblings became so excited because it's a sign of farm cancellation, so we all ran inside my room to enjoy the cold weather while pressing the phone.

Surprisingly, my dad walked in inside the room and was like, "We should come and eat breakfast because the weather will soon get normal." Jeeeez! Our faces changed, but we dared not obey.

We followed him to take breakfast, and while we were eating, my immediate younger brother decided to play 🎶"Let It Rain"🎶 by Frank Edward. My dad got angry at the sound of the song and seized the phone from him.😄

It was as if my dad studied weather in school because, immediately after we finished breakfast and came outside, the weather all cleared.
No option; we dressed up and entered the bike, and he drove off.

A few minutes into our journey to the farm, heavy rain began to pour. You know that early morning rain with heavy droplets that have a touch of ice inside? That's the kind of rain that held us...it just came without notice.
There was nowhere to run to for cover because it was in the bush. So my dad stopped for us to protect our phones from the rain. After we finished rapping the phones with nylon, we entered the bike, and he drove off at high speed in the mist of heavy rain. The cold!

Yeah, the rain beat us till we got to the farm, and gladly, we have farm house in the farm, so we rushed in, made fire, and dried our clothes with the smoke.

We stayed in till 11:00 a.m., when the rain stopped, before we went in to do our labour.
Thank God it didn't rain again that day.

Thanks for reading

This is my entry to the Week 61, Edition 03 of the Weekly Featured Contest in Hive Learners Community.

Published here

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