
in cyrpto •  4 years ago 

There has been a lot of talk around Dcity and the price of Sim, but not really any good ways of getting it back to the beg. The only way so far that has been tried is taxation. Well that will help slow the down fall, it won't stop it.

I was thinking one way we could help out, is stop cards from being bought in hive, and only be bought in sim. This would make people go out and only buy sim. I am talking about getting rid of hive for packs, and hive for the market for single cards. Yes I know this would affect the payout pool for population, but this is a way to get demand for sim. Also the population pool could just sell some sim from card sales to get the hive if needed. I think that would at least put a little demand in the sim market.

download 3.png

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