Something about hacking and hackers.

in cybersecurity •  3 years ago 

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What is hacking?

Hacking is a process where someone enters a computer or computer network without any legitimate permission. Those who do hacking are hackers.
Everybody knows. Almost all of us know that hacking is just hacking any web site. Again, many people think that hacking means just hacking computers or computer networks. Is that so?
Not really. There are many types of hacking
Maybe. If we use our mobile phones, land phones, car tracking, various electronics and digital devices without legal permission, they are also subject to hacking.
Usually these electronics are hacked with the fault of the device.

Now who is the hacker or what?

The person who practices hacking is called a hacker. They know all the information about the system that will be hacked, the structure of the system, how it works, how it works. Phreaking. They hacked various telecommunication systems and used them for their own needs.

There are three types of hackers:

First of all, hackers are identified by their hats.

  1. White Hat Hacker
  2. Gray Hat Hacker
  3. Black Hat Hacker
    #White Hat Hacker: Everyone thinks hacking is a bad thing, isn't it? No, hacking is not a bad thing at all.
    White Hat Hacker Hackers prove that hacking is not a bad thing. For example, a White Hat Hacker detects the flaws of a security system and quickly reports the flaws to the owner of that security system. The security system can be a computer, a web site on a computer network, a software, etc. .
    #Grey Hat Hacker: These are two-faced snakes. Let me explain why. He will act according to his mind when they find out the flaws of a security system. He will do whatever his mind wants at that time. If he wishes, he can report the error to the owner of the security system or view or destroy the information. Again, he can use it for his own benefit. Most hackers fall into this category.
    #Black hat hacker: And they are the most dangerous hackers. System
    Destroys. Spreads various viruses.
    He keeps the way so that he can enter again in the future. Above all, it tries to get into all the subsystems under that system.
    Hackers are very intelligent it is universally recognized or everyone knows. Many good hackers have never done any bad hacking in their lives.
    But they did a hacking to trap or vent their anger on someone. Then we will put him in any of the above categories? He is also a Gray Hat Hacker because his hacking depends on his wishes or thoughts.
    Below I will introduce you to a few more types of hackers:
    #Anarchists: These are the hackers who like to break into various computer security systems or any other system. These
    Works to find opportunities for any target.
    #Crackers: Many times harmful
    Hackers are called crackers. Bad
    Hackers are crackers. Their hobby is cracking various passwords and creating Trojan horses and other malicious software.
    Says Warez. They use or sell these malicious software for their own profit. (Are you one of them?
    One? Then you are the king of hacking.)
    $ Script kiddies: They are not real hackers. They have no real knowledge about hacking. They download or buy different Warez and then use it for hacking.

Methods of hacking:

Phishing: We all know something about phishing. Denial of Service attack: In short, DoS Attack is a process where hackers gain access to a network without any access.
Enters and loses his power. DoS Attack increases the tariff of the net connection or router.
#Trojan Horses: is a program that destroys other programs. Everyone knows it as a virus. Using Trojan Horses
By doing so, other programs pass on passwords or other information to hackers.
#Back Doors: Hackers use any system to find out the Back Doors. Back Doors are easy administrative way, configuration is wrong, easy to understand
Accessible passwords, and unsaved dial-ups connections. They find out these errors with the help of computer. Apart from these and other weak places are used
Which network to use.
#Rogue Access Points: Hackers use Rogue Access Points to gain access to any wireless network. There are also many more ways hackers can hack that can be learned slowly.
My purpose in reporting this is to ensure that your computer or network system does not have such errors.

Here are some essential tricks to avoid hacking:


  1. Refrain from downloading or using any unfamiliar software even if it is used by your friends (all friends)
    No, those you trust again
    If you need to download any software, first find out about it by searching the net.
  2. When logging in to any site, check the address of the site well. Refrain from logging in anywhere with the link received from the mail.
  3. If you are a developer, you must have a better knowledge of security than the average user.
  4. Password is always more than 6 digits. With key generator software you can break more than one digit password with a normal computer. Avoid giving passwords with numbers as much as you can. And now almost all sites support Unicode, so if you use a word, use your own country word which is easy for you to remember. So don't think that I'm telling you to use words. Avoid using words as much as you can. English
    Don't say the word completely. Use space sometimes.
  5. And refrain from logging in to unfamiliar sites.
    . Change the password every few weeks or 1-2 months. If you forget the password, Facebook's "Forgot password?" The option
  6. Do not use any information in the profile info with your email or Facebook account password.
    Compatible. The less personal information you provide on these sites, the more secure you are.
  7. There are many users who
    After seeing the profile picture, he added it to the friend list. In case of any unfamiliar request, check their info first. See what is the number of his friend list. Whether his other info is correct. Also, see if you have any friends in common.
    Then make a decision. Don't add anyone to the list who doesn't even have a profile picture.
  8. There are many phishing websites that provide users with a web link with wrong info. Be careful!
    Before clicking on these links, read the Terms and Conditions of the application. No
    If a friend has sent you a request to click on such a link, check if it is a phishing website. Remember, Facebook or any Facebook application will not ask for your Facebook or email password.
  9. Hackers have now chosen email in the case of Facebook hacking. No web service will ask you for personal information. Like Facebook never password you
    Do not email any notice of change or make excuses for updating personal information. If something like this is needed
    However, Facebook will ask you to go to the homepage or your settings to change. So do not sit with the information without verifying the offer received from any email.
  10. Regularly update the password of the email with which you are logged in to your Facebook. Otherwise it's yours
    If your email account is hacked, it will not take long for your Facebook account to be hacked. My advice is to use a separate email account for the Facebook account. Moreover “Security Question”
    Option T does not include any personal information. (Collected)
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