Passive Attack & Active Attack

in cybercrime •  last year 



Let us learn a little on passive attack and active attack.

~> Passive attack and active attack are two types of cyber security attacks that differ in how they target the system and affects the system or data and the targets.


Passive Attack :

  • Passive attack is an attack which involves the attacker monitoring or gathering information on the system, data or the target without any consent.

  • Passive attack is usually done using internet or by hacking an individuals device or company to gain information.

  • Passive attack is a threat to the privacy and integrity of the system and the target, as the attacker can gain access to sensitive information.

  • In passive attack the attacker can see the targets passwords, messages, files and other private information without the targets knowledge.

  • Passive attack are difficult to detect, as they don't leave any traces or evidence.


Active Attack :

  • Active attack is an attack which involves the attacker trying to change or damage system or data in targets computer or network.

  • Active attack usually make to lose data, information and access to the targets computer or network.

  • Active attack is a threat to the integrity and availability of the system or data, as the attacker can cause immediate harm to the network.

  • Active attack the attacker can harm by deleting files, sending fake messages, hacking someones computer and network.

  • Active attack are easier to detect as they leave their signs or traces on the computer or network.

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