Cyber Crime

in cybercrime •  11 months ago 



Cyber Crime is an act that involves illegal activities through computers, networks or internet.



some of the types of cyber crimes are :

  • Cyber Bullying : It is a form harassment or bullying through the use of electronic devices such as computer, mobile phones, laptops, etc.

  • Cyber Grooming : It it is a type of crime when a person try to build an online relationship with the young person and tricks them into doing illegal act.

  • Cyber Stalking : It is act done by use of electronic devices to communicate with a person, to follow and contact them repeatedly despite their indifference.

  • Online Job Fraud : It is an attempt to trick people who are in need of employment by giving them false hope to better employment with higher wages.

  • Vishing : It it is an attempt to seek personal information like Bank password, ATM PIN, OTP, etc through phone call.

  • Credit Card Fraud : It involves unauthorised use of others credit or debit card for the purpose of purchasing or withdrawing funds from it.

  • Data Breach : It is a act where information is acquire without the authorization.

  • Online Drug Trafficking : It is a crime of selling, transporting, or importing illegal substance, such as heroine, cocaine, morphine or other illegal stuff by electronic means.

Espionage : It is the act of obtaining the data and information without the permission of the owner.

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