Curation report #2 for 30 November 2022

in curation •  2 years ago  (edited)

Link to the previous report

Hi everyone, as the title says about curation, yes that's true. I have planned to do this regularly now.

I will manually vote whatever number of posts I can and with the power I have. Not all may get big votes, but I will try to vote more people as I can.

Voted for a total of 69 posts today as I had less power with me today. I may do fewer votes the next day to recover my power.


Some Observations

As I am checking all the posts and doing manual votes, I have noticed some things.

  1. Some people just add the same image multiple times to make the post longer, but that is just a waste of fees as well as storage

  2. Some people post the same images (or accounts) multiple times at random dates in a week, that is also a waste of storage and bad

  3. Some don't add enough lines after adding images, not even camera specs, better to add some details.

  4. No comments. It is sad to see, engagement on blurt is very low. People are more focused on creating content than appreciating each others content.
    This fails the purpose of social media.

  5. Even some users who comment, look like random bots pasting the same message again and again. Don't do that, try to add actual feelings about the content, or better not comment at all.

  6. Wrong tags usage in all posts. Some people do think tags help earn more, but not. They just serve the purpose of arranging and sorting them.
    Do use correct and related tags. I will write a separate post on this soon.

don't use blurt/blurtdevelopment/blurtwitness in all posts, that is for anything related to blurt and dev updates. Because of people abusing that tag, it's hard to find actual info.

I will keep on sharing my observations as I go.

Engagement Request

Votes on comments here work the same as the votes on the post. So, try to engage more with each other and leave comments that encourage content creators to do share more.

And believe me, not everyone can be a creator, it's truth, but we all can be admirers of the content that the creators create on blurt.

So, instead of copying content and random images from somewhere, better do comments and get votes.

Also, do vote back to the curation comments as well between 5-10%. This is a very small gesture but in long term, you all will be surprised to see the results.

I would be reducing my voting to only those posts having some engagement.

So start interacting.

Grow together

I try to find posts, but sometimes I can miss nice posts. So, if you think, someone created nice content and deserves a vote from me. Feel free to share the post in any of the curation posts. I would love to see your love to others people.

I hope my curation will help everyone. Let us grow together. Let me know in the comments what you think of this.

Thanks, everyone.

Feel free to vote for my witness if you want to support me more

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