Why YOU are part of our answer to spammers, scammers and plagiarists

in curation •  3 years ago  (edited)
Good morning Blurters!

I recently (as @dreemsteem) had seen THIS POST from @imransoudagar. It was a fabulous post with a lot of questions on how to deal with the three things I mentioned in the title. I was under a mountain of "to-do" things, so I promised to come back, and 20 days later hahaha - I left him a MASSIVE response. I decided to actually make it into a post - because I want MORE people to slowly see that we are implementing ONE of the solutions against spam, scams, and plagiarists at DREEMPORT!

Here is my modified comment that I wanted to share with you all!
(and a special note to newbies of ANY platform - at the end of this message!)


Three of the things that I hate the most - is spam, plagiarism and scammers.

Why? Because at the heart of them all - is selfish greed. They all believe they have the right to take YOUR money, simply because they want to put their own desires over yours. You do not matter to them at all. They will happily take take take and destroys systems - and not shed one tear if they've hurt everyone in the process!

Our project (which is fairly new-ish to the crypto world) - was born as an idea in January 2021. Six months later, we were ready to start testing, and it is the FIRST thing that I've seen that is effectively fighting plagiarism, spam, and scam THROUGH THE COMMUNITY!!!

We are small now, but when this gets bigger, I keep thinking of the very cool ripple effect we will have!

Why does the COMMUNITY matter?

Many people in the community think - "oh... this is something just for the platform to handle -I don't want to get involved. I hate reprimanding people."

But if everyone fails to fight this battle - we ALL lose.

The reason WHY I founded this project with our amazing team, is that we had all invested 18 months into a platform that was DESTROYED by spam, scam, and plagiarism. And I lost a lot of time, energy and money. And I determined... NEVER AGAIN. Not if I can help it!

Do not make the mistake of thinking ANY platform is above the dangers of thieves. When you ignore a problem, it does not go away.

The great thing about our project is that we make it FUN to fight plagiarism and spam - and we reward people for doing it - AND we bring posts from ALL OVER THE BLOGISPHERE. hahahaha

my super sweet profile frame on DreemPort lol

So if we are fighting in on DreemPort, how does that help the platforms?

  1. Our members are sharing the URLS of the posts ON THEIR HOME PLATFORM. If we discover plagiarism, we do our part!
  2. We are TRAINING people to see and ACT against spam, scams and plagiarism. Think that won't have a ripple effect? They will be LESS fearful to respond when they see it OUTSIDE of DreemPort too! (aka - YOUR home!)


So DreemPort really accepts posts from all over?

Yeah, we love that! Doesn't matter if you're from blurt, hive, steem, medium, vocal - or even your own personal blog! We take ALL blogs and unite them to CONNECT them and help them and FIGHT against those who would destroy. The worst thing we can do - is stay divided. We are so much more powerful united.


So you're new here on Blurt?

Well, as you can see from my name, (@dreemsteem) I started on Steem. And that was my birth into crypto in 2016!! I'm in love with Hive, I had my heart broken on another platform, I super dig Vocal, I support friends on Medium, and I'm beginning to fall in love with Blurt too. There are amazing content creators ALL over, our favorite platforms should not separate us!

And yes - we are here, there, and everywhere. We just recently set up our @dreemport hub here so that we can reach users here! Slowly, we will 😄


Alright, how do you deal with plagiarism?

Plagiarism is screened out RIGHT AT THE BEGINNING. nice, right? :) And if any slips by - don't worry, we eventually catch them. Plagiarists don't stop - they only get bolder. But the more they do it, the more they have to lose on DreemPort! So, it's actually a double-sided sword. If we catch them early - great. They're gone! If we catch them later, great, they have a harsher lesson coming when they lose all those levels they earned the wrong way.

Our members are also warned that we can report them to their home platforms. Those systems in place ALSO work with us to warn US about plagiarists. It's a win win win win - where the only people who lose are the thieves. Platforms LOVE this because we come alongside them to help fight for the integrity of the platform!


What about spam and scam?

ha... well, We actually leave that in. 😏

LOL Why??? well... because we have a unique way of dealing with that. We let our public curators (our members!) handle that.

This method keeps our members ON THEIR TOES and ALERT for spam and low-quality content AND gives them more opportunity to earn 🤩

And so far - it's been GREAT! People are meeting each other all over the blogosphere and connecting and enjoying each other across platforms! They all are tasked with RATING AND RANKING posts - and REJECTING spam. (and they are REWARDED for doing this!)

What is MOST important -

Our cross-platform project in NO WAY damages one platform or the other - but instead, we have fun challenges that unite us all together and support communities.

On Hive, we have MANY front ends that the users can choose when they post. Peakd.com, ecency.com, leofinance.io, proofofbrain.io - and is there one massive war between them??? NO. As a matter of fact it has caused them all to IMPROVE as they see what others are doing, and CHALLENGES them to do their best.

We see DREEMPORT as a project that encourages this same integration, cooperation and friendly challenging competition ACROSS PLATFORMS! It's a fantastic opportunity for users to share the great things about EACH platform in a really friendly way (instead of the usual way where people are arguing and debating in a confrontational manner)

We even created banners to encourage everyone to cheerlead their favorite front-ends and platforms for the world to see their #tEEmspirit

I work my butt off every day (and night lol) hahaha but it's not work. Its PLAY because I LOVE what I'm doing! And I think we are going to do some great things - ACROSS the cryptoverse and blogosphere hehehe

We are super happy to be here! Hoping that more and more people will come see what we have to offer in LOVE, FUN, AND CONNECTION 😄

We are just finishing up a massive challenge with fun surprises - but don't worry hahaha we have more challenges coming and i'm sure there will be big prizes in the future where our new Blurt family can be a part of too!!! 🤩

Have MORE questions?

I'd love to answer them! I am spread across several platforms so, though I DO answer comments - the quickest response will come from our DREEMPORT discord channel !


(and oldbies that have lost that spark, too!!)
Newbies from ANY platform - we love you! We want to showcase YOU. DROP YOUR POSTS from your HOME platform on DreemPort - and you WILL have the BEST opportunity for genuine interaction!!! You don't have to wait until people happen to find you. Come to us - and GET seen!!!! Want to know how? Just go HERE for a step-by-step guide!

We're waiting to read YOUR posts! 😃

All DreemPort images property of DreemPort and designed by the amazing Jharvis (@jimramones on Hive). Please do not use without permission from DreemPort.

For more info - feel free to grab a TESTER ROLE in the DREEMPORT DISCORD SERVER. Ask as much as you like!

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Blurt is all about cross-platform and cross-app collaboration. Thanks for this post and for bringing about reform in thinking.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You bet!
I so agree that there really needs to be a "reform" in thinking! I'll be sharing some of my thoughts on that in future posts - on how we OFTEN think about that collaboration in SO many other avenues - but when we think about platforms - people get very aggressive in defending their "favorite" haahhaa

I want to enjoy the "teem spirit" feeling - but also welcome others too!

I think this is the right time and place for this change to happen! Glad to see that Blurt is all for this too :)

Thanks for your visit!!!!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

What do you think about api based plagiarism detection paid service, like this one https://api.copyleaks.com/? That would be huge, we could pay it via proposal

Nice to see DreemPort getting into Blurt. I can't wait to use a blurt banner customized by DreemPort. Heheh.

This is Curation at its best and a good way to bring more eyes to our contents. It's pretty much what genuine content creators would want for each of their work.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

little by little, we will meet more and more people who want to connect!!! we have the patience to grow and the endurance to last! :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I can attest to the fact that @dreemport gave me the visibility to start growing as a content creator. With no pressure to join other groups or change platforms, it gave me the freedom to focus on what I wanted to do...writing.

I have learned a lot (and am still learning) from the more than helpful members and leaders and I especially appreciate the idea that @dreemport is actively taking a stance against spam, plagiarism, and scammers!

I am still new to BLURT, but I am looking forward to expanding my activity to this platform and building new relationships here.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I feel the same way! I know that it feels foreign to a lot of people to have dual citizenship in blogging platforms - but I think its just a new way of thinking! hehehe

once people start to really get used to it - i think they'll wonder what they were waiting for! :)

and yes - so agree about the fight against the Triple Threat (spam, scam, plagiarism!) I'm not willing to watch any other platform get defeated by those... gotta stand together against them!