Business and How to Cultivate Broiler Ducks for Beginners

in cultivationduck •  2 years ago 

Cultivating broiler ducks can be profitable if you know how to do it completely.

The demand for duck meat for consumption is always there, making it easy for entrepreneurs to earn money.


Getting to Know Duck Farming

Ducks are known as animals that have meat with a medium texture and slightly fibrous.

Food dishes made from duck meat are often found in local Indonesian cuisine and Chinese food.

Apparently, duck farming is divided into two. Namely the cultivation of laying ducks and broilers.

Cara budidaya ternak bebek petelur terbilang lebih kompleks karena melibatkan banyak hal.

Seperti pemeliharaan bibit bebek sejak kecil, pemeliharaan bebek yang lebih lama karena harus bertelur secara berulang, pengaturan suhu kandang demi kualitas telur yang baik, memperhatikan masa kawin bebek, dan masih banyak hal lainnya.
How to cultivate laying ducks is somewhat more complex because it involves many things.

Such as rearing duck seedlings since childhood, maintaining longer ducks because they have to lay eggs repeatedly, regulating the temperature of the cage for good egg quality, paying attention to the breeding period of ducks, and many other things.

Meanwhile, broiler duck farming is simpler with slightly more profit than laying ducks. So it is easier to do for beginners.

It should also be noted that there are two types of ducks in the broiler duck farming business. Namely the type of Peking duck and hybrids.

Both have a soft meat texture and taste more savory. No wonder this duck meat is selling well in the market.







The Advantages of Broiler Duck Cultivation

The stages are easier than the cultivation of laying ducks.

The period of rapid growth of ducks, which is only 40 days.

Marketing of crops is easy because the demand is always there.

Other parts of duck meat can also be sold. Such as feathers that are used as crafts, and the manure is used as fertilizer and catfish feed.

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