
in ctp •  2 years ago 

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Since we are not here to discuss the Islamic state and system of governance - but the history of Islamic vitality in the system of governance - we will end by presenting three speeches of the monarchy to distort that vitality and analyze the different levels of touch of filth in it. Comparing these three with the three speeches already mentioned in the era of Rashedar in the caliphate, it is easy to see the great difference between the two.

After the treaty, Muawiyah went to Kufa to address the people and said, the people of Kufa! Do you think that I have fought with you over prayers, zaka, and Hajj? I know very well that you perform prayers, zakat and Hajj as usual. In fact, I fought to rule over your necks. In spite of your disagreement, Allah has fulfilled my wish. Know that no compensation will be given for the loss of life and property in this commotion. And no matter how many promises I have made, I have trampled them under my feet. "

By God! As far as I know, I did not gain power as a result of your love. You're not happy about that - I know. I have fought with this sword. Regarding you, I wanted to follow the way of Abu Bakr and Omar. But I could not agree with the mind. So I decided to put myself in a position that would benefit both me and you. Everyone has to eat and drink in harmony. Even if you do not consider me the best person to rule, I am still the best ruler for you.

Mansur Abbasi led the Umayyad dynasty on the path of extreme perversion and created in the minds of the people the idea of ​​monarchy and kingship as a right and true thing from a divine and divine. But this idea is completely unknown to Islam. After such notoriety, Mansur gave the following speech.

I am his successor in the land of God. I will rule over you with his help. I am the guardian over his wealth. I spend it or give it to someone according to his will and permission. God has made me a lock in the national treasury. He opens me up to distribute or distribute food among you if He wants to open me and closes me if He wants to close me.

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