CSS QUIZ was Overed held under BLURTUTORIALS

in cssquiz •  4 years ago 

Hey everyone , how are you all..?
I organised a css quiz long time back and decided to give two parts for the quiz each part available for 7 days.

I think it didn't go well and i think there was really less participation.
Actually only two people participated.

I just want to thank them who participated.

Also I don't know whether i will post the answer for those quiz now or not. the people who participated if want any part of the quiz to be answered by me then i will surely write and explain that part.

Anyways , I will again come with another quiz soon.

But as my exams are on my head and also there are problems going on with my personal life as well.

Insha Allah , I will be fine soon and i will try and post regularly accordingly.

I thank everyone who believed in me and supported me.

Thank You

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

God bless you for your efforts