Mean of crypto

in cryto •  3 years ago 



When first entering the world of cryptocurrencies, not a few people are confused by the many assets in it, including the existence of coins and tokens.

The difference between coins and tokens is not only in the name.

However, the function, origin, and benefits are also different.

What is the difference between coins and tokens?
Before proceeding to the discussion of coins and tokens, you must first understand what blockchain is.

Reporting from the YouTube account Tech In Asia, blockchain is a system that supports cryptocurrency transactions without having to go through third parties such as banks.

This system is managed directly by all users.

What is a coin?
Reporting from Business Insider, crypto coins are digital assets that are built and stand on their own blockchain network.

Coins are issued directly by blockchain protocol developers.

Therefore, coins are also called native crypto assets or natives on the blockchain network.

For example, Bitcoin (BTC) which operates on the Bitcoin blockchain network, and Ether (ETH) which operates on its blockchain network called Ethereum.

Saat pertama memasuki dunia mata uang kripto, tak sedikit orang yang bingung dengan banyaknya aset di dalamnya, termasuk keberadaan koin dan token.

Perbedaan koin dan token, bukan hanya terletak pada namanya.

Namun, secara fungsi, asal, dan manfaatnya juga berbeda.

Apa perbedaan koin dan token?
Sebelum lanjut ke pembahasan koin dan token, Anda harus terlebih dahulu paham apa itu blockchain.

Dilansir dari akun YouTube Tech In Asia, blockchain adalah sistem penyokong transaksi mata uang kripto tanpa harus melalui pihak ketiga seperti bank.

Sistem ini dikelola langsung oleh semua pengguna.

Apa itu koin?
Dilansir dari Business Insider, koin kripto adalah aset digital yang dibangun dan berdiri di jaringan blockchain miliknya sendiri.

Koin diterbitkan langsung oleh pengembang protokol blockchain.

Oleh sebab itu, koin disebut juga dengan aset kripto native atau penduduk asli di jaringan blockchain tersebut.

Misalnya, Bitcoin (BTC) yang beroperasi pada jaringan blockchain Bitcoin, dan Ether (ETH) yang beroperasi pada jaringan blockchain-nya yang bernama Ethereum.

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