Cleansing and Energizing Crystals

in crystals •  2 years ago 

Many people get fascinated to buy crystals, but when they buy after sometime they lose that attraction towards them. It is important to understand that crystals are formed in nature and they have their own energy. It is just like the energy of our human body. If we do not take care of it, we feel dull and lifeless, we need food every day, we need to cleanse ourself daily, we need to maintain ourself to keep our energy good and high. Just the same way Crystals also need their energy to be charged up and maintained. It is life, so it's not like one time you do it and it is over.

In short if you want to understand how do these crystals get their healing abilities.
Each variety of Crystal has a unique internal structure, which is formed under the geographical influence that they grow in, and this structure makes them vibrate at a certain frequency. It is this vibration that enables the Crystals with their healing abilities.
Applying this resonance in a coherent way can help to restore stability & balance to the body energy systems, stimulating the body’s natural healing mechanisms.

When you buy a Crystal, remember one thing. It needs maintenance. You cannot keep using it forever without not taking care of it else it is nothing but a dull lifeless stone.
There are many ways in which you can cleanse your crystals.


These are some simple ways in which you can Cleanse and Energize your Crystals.
Cleansing & Energizing:

1.) Salt Water or Plain Water: Can be left to soak in sea water or water mixed with sea salt. Use a glass bowl preferably for soaking your crystals. They can be soaked overnight. Though this is the easiest way, but not all crystals can be cleansed in water, some will dissolve like the Selenite, Celestite....

2.) Dry Salt: Burying Crystals in dry salt helps, leave them overnight or longer duration as required. Rinse them once done and flush out the salt.

4.) Brown Rice: Burry the crystals in brown rice or keep them on the surface. Good to be used for any type of crystals.

5.) Crystal Geodes or Crystal Clusters: Small sized crystals can be kept in the Crystal Geodes or Cluster beds. Crystals like Clear quartz, Citrine clusters are powerful cleansers, well as Amethyst is comparatively mild one. Some of these crystals have the ability to absorb the negative energies contained within other crystals and neutralize them and also energize them back with good energy.

6.) Smudging: Burn the smudge sticks or incense sticks and holding the crystals in the smoke to cleanse the stored energy. Very effective incense sticks are Sage & sweet grass, Sandalwood or Cedar-wood. Again, a very simple method.

7.) Sound & Chanting: This is my favorite one. The vibrations of a pure sound can be used to cleanse a crystal. Sounds like Aum or a peaceful uplifting music can be used, sounds of Tibetan singing bowls are also very effective.

8.) Sunlight & Moonlight: Both sunlight and moonlight help to cleanse the crystals. However, sunlight can fade some crystals like Amethyst and Citrine, whereas moonlight is a powerful safe cleanser. Full moon is the best time to cleanse, energize and set intentions with the crystals.

9.) White light Visualization: This is for those who do meditations regularly. In meditation hold the crystal, focus on it and visualize a white light surrounding the crystal, followed by a beam of light passing through the crystal taking away all the unwanted energies from it. Once finish give a white light to the space and cleanse the residuals of the releases from the crystals. This is a a complexed process in comparison to others, and needs practice.

I am a certified Crystal Therapist and I work with it on a daily basis. In all my years of experience I have seen them beautifully working at a energetic level. If one understands how to use them, their energy is amazing to work with. If you want to ask any more questions around Crystals, please feel free.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

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