More than just money.

in cryptolife •  2 years ago 

We always have small challenges in life and some tasks always remain impossible. But one such thing that is generally easier than ever is the task of finding financial resources. With places like crowdfunding platforms and options for fractional raises, smart entrepreneurs can distribute just as many funds as they need or want to achieve their objectives.


In today’s world money still has multiple meaning and with developments in technology, our notions of what things are considered “money” has changed over time. With the rise of electronic money, gold certificates, cryptocurrency, and more derivatives, entrepreneurs do not really rely solely on fiat currency for achieving success.

Money does not just exist for its fluidity or the ease with which we can acquire it but also through its universal value and role in achieving certain larger goals such as avoiding poverty, thriving militarily, etc.

Self-doubt will always be a part of life because the feeling you are not in control of your future is difficult to shake. Understanding yourself on a deeper level and controlling what steps you take in life is important if you want to avoid stressing about it.

Everyone has a certain idea about what success looks like, but no one can tell for certain what it is until we define it. Similarly, when people are stuck in self-doubt they may ask themselves a set of questions that lead them toward their goal or just stagnate without moving an inch closer to where they want to be.

Despite reality being less clear at times, we have enough evidence suggesting that self-determination really does work to give us the finishing push and make everything happen at a time impossible before.

Finding the peace of mind which leads to spending your time on something that you love, with a value that is useful for society, has been a challenging task for most people. There may be times where you cannot afford to continue the things that give you satisfaction. So, some habits may appear unappealing and choices may not feel like they do any good.

What can we learn from this? There are times when our responsibilities can leave us feeling weighed down and in some cases, it's unhealthy. Taking small steps in controlling aspects of our life gives us more space to try more things that give us happiness and satisfaction.

Surrounding yourself with people who love and care for you is essential. As annoying as it might be, it's the important things that bring us a sense of happiness in the end. Maintaining personal relationships with caring people doesn't have to be easy; however, the easiest way to avoid difficulties ones involve often taking baby steps. The goal should not be too much but just enough for little positives that will ultimately keep you motivated and on track.

I've often heard that good intentions make the world a better place. It is true; carving out our goals and striving to be the best versions of ourselves do make a difference, but we should never expect ourselves to reach perfection. The journey to success should not end and cannot be limited by where you’ve been. Growth and growth lead to new places in life, and when you think that you’ve scaled a hill and reached the peak of success, change will happen.

My journey to the world of crypto.

NFA: Not Financial Advice!


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