Looking forward on the launch of Cub Defi's Kingdoms

in cryptolife •  3 years ago 

It's been more than 3 years since I first landed in this space and there have been a lot of changes since then. It feels like time flies so fast while in a bull market in comparison to the bear market. To be honest, the most memorable moments I have in this nearly 4 years of the journey are the events that happened during the 2017-2018 bull run and this current late 2020 to early 2021 bull run.

While in the bull run, the crypto community, in general, is radiating a very good vibe across space. Of course, the positive price trend has something to do with it. But this is also the time when new projects are being realized. Just look at how the Defi platform appears one after the other in BSC. Everyone seems to have a new iteration of the same product which I'm having a hard time keeping up.


Last month, I was spending a lot of my free time browsing through the Defi projects in BSC through the #binancesmartchain tag on Twitter. If you ever check on this tag, you will be amazed at the many forks of Pancakeswap, Goosedefi and the Safemoon type of Defi projects.

Although it's fun to be scouting for the next Defi gem, I grew tired of doing it because of the risk of scams & rug pulls across BSC. I consider myself lucky that I didn't get scammed or rugged by any of the Defi platforms that I participated in.

Another reason why I stopped scouting for new Defi platforms is because of Vault protocols. I found Swamp Finance's Vaults reliable enough that I won't be requiring myself to actively manage my stake. Vaults are auto-compounding and being operated by Swamp Finance. Basically, it's the real passive income experience in which I don't have to manually harvest my rewards and to be re-invested as LP.

So, when the Leo Finance team announced that they are nearly complete in developing their own version of Vaults... I was stoked!

This is the kind of feature that will bring new users to the Cub Defi. Let's face the fact that the farms and pools are not that flashy anymore. There is a point when Farms & Pools are very attractive with their APRs are at higher 3 digits and even 4 digits. Those are the fun times.

So, with the current APRs of Cub farms & pools, the way to make my time worthwhile is if I have a high 5-digit stake which will earn me enough rewards that I can compound on a daily basis. The beauty of Kingdoms or Vaults is that it allows small players to participate and earn passively without the hassle of the BSC fees. The Cub Defi may take a small portion of your profit that's very minimal in comparison to the benefits that you will be getting through the use of Kingdoms.

Looking forward to it.

Very Soon!

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