Don't blame money for what you feel.

in cryptolife •  2 years ago 

Some say that there are some major misconceptions about money. Saying as an example, that money will solve all your problems and make you feel free.


Some people think that money will make them happy when it actually will just make them more of what they already are. This is why millions of people are unhappy to this day, despite the fact that they have enough money to survive comfortably with a high standard of living.

Each and every person should know how to properly manage their money since we live in a financially demanding age where we can barely keep up with all the finances going on. It’s not always possible to be successful in today’s world unless you have sufficient resources which are why managing your personal finance is crucial for both monetary success and life satisfaction.

It has been a stereotype that the pursuit of wealth means we are headed in the direction of happiness. If a person can use wealth wisely it could make them happier. Wealth is one of the key ingredients to being successful or happy in life as Aristotle was once quoted as saying "It is better to be wealthy than poor." It has also been proven that there are many exceptions to this rule, but even wealthy people acknowledge how much their lifestyle affects happiness and positive mental well-being. That's why it's important for people on their journey towards wealth and success to remember not to ignore reasons why society at large thinks money won't make you happy in order to get where you want to be.

We human beings are complicated pieces and pieces. There are many things that make us who we are. We live in a society in which commercialism, the media, and capitalism play a major role in our everyday lives.

While living in poverty can decrease life satisfaction, being rich is not enough to increase it.

Researchers have found out that people with a lower GDP per capita tend to be happier than those with higher GDP per capita, both at their level of wealth or at any future point their personal wealth might change.

Zero correlation between pure happiness from money is non-researchers have found concluded living with less poverty affects life satisfaction but does not increase it there for zero yes correlation.

Usually, people with more money have a higher sense of security and life satisfaction.

And they have reasons to think so. "Access to resources such as opportunities, money, and esteem" all make someone happy. So if you don't trust or feel like you are secure in your life right now, it is probably because you don't have enough of these provisions. Instead of feeling bad about it, maybe it would be worth considering getting back on your feet and earning the income.

Money cannot always buy you happiness, but this does not mean we should not strive to gain more and more of it. As Mark Twain said, “If you want to be happy for a day, get drunk. If you want to be happy for a year, inherit a fortune from your father. But if you want to be happy for the rest of your life, help build a brewery.”

Keep that in mind when looking at the statistics gathered by numerous sources: people with higher incomes are twice as likely to meet their need for emotional well-being than people with lower or average incomes.

Which is more important in determining life quality? Wealth or happiness.

The equation of wealth = money we've grown up believing may not be accurate.

Wealth = time, resources, control, and work-life balance. It is the richness of experiences that a person has-the enjoyment of them."

Money makes one happy but only for a time.

My journey to the world of crypto.

NFA: Not Financial Advice!


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