How has Crypto and Blockchain Technology Impacted your Personal Finance?

in cryptofinance •  4 years ago 

How has crypto blockchain technology changed your finance?

Let us start at the beginning to see from what position I came from


Back in 2017 i was still living in the Caribbean blogging on a Dutch platform for and making some Euros on the side from this. Around this time the island where I was living on was struck by a hurricane and that really changed all finances. banks were not working, cash was also kind of pointless as all stores were blown away. So charity and blackmarket was the way how it went.

I wrote about this and another Dutch blogger told me to write on this international platform called Steemit using the trending hashtag #hurricane from that moment. So initially I started blogging for that. I had heard about crypto and bitcoin before but nothing all too flashy.

I learned a lot in these months after I spent a lot of nights taking on call shifts at the hospital mostly waiting...and writing...and waiting...and reading.. It was a weird time but there was not much to do. I started writing more because I could see that this was paying off in the form of payouts in crypto form

The bull run was on fire at this moment.


I bought some stuff here and there in small amounts when I had connection to the interwebz which was dreadfull because it was my first times ond everything and I had no idea how long transactions should take. And second of all the internet connection was still very unstable so often it would bounce half way. Not cool if you are a beginner.

But still banks were not functioning at all still and it felt good making some cash also with the blogging. I made some profits and diversified them in other crap. Boom...the mistake of mistakes.

When the greed comes rolling in also comes the courage.

I diversified a bit more and all of these shitcoins went right back to zero after 2018. At first you think it will be fine, but after a year you know it will not. This was my first bull cycle and I fell in the trading rookie mistakes.

But because it was all not a lot of money that was actually gone I felt comfortable in hodling and seeing what will come from it.

I kept the grind up with blogging in steem and by now hive, and also had some whaleshares adventure which gave me a nice stack of bitshares which gave me beos as well. Will this be worth it? Also...we don't really know.

That is the thing with crypto and smaller coins. You don't know which will be the ones that will take off


So now I have some bags of smaller alts, midcap alts and not enough btc as I would like. It is just too expensive. But with every trade I made sure that the sats always felt on the btc stacking side. All sats count in the end


For me crypto will not be the way to financial freedom, I just dont have enough of it for that. I still have a normal daytime job in a hospital were I do good work. It is forfilling.

I have also noticed that when I was trying to trade more active that this costed me a lot of sleep and loads of near heart attacks. I don't want to live like that as a zombie, because that is how I act then. Surely I can make more money, but the time while doing that will make me 10 years older in a month. Not worth it.

For me the goal is to pick up some funds along the way that make life a bit more easy and maybe get me to retire a bit earlier if I am lucky. So the talk about lambo's? Yeah that is just lovely talk, and I enjoy doing it. Surely I get damn excited when stuff is on fire!

But will it change my life? Unless some shady coins I own turn into BTC prices...this isn't likely to happen. Keep on stacking though!

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