Hello, my friends. In the last three years that I have been involved in the field of cryptocurrencies, I have seen many ways to make money such as mining, staking, blogging, faucets and dozens of other ways to earn on the internet. Lately, I discover one more platform to earn money while I am watching porn.
Yes, you read that right. The platform I am going to suggest you today pays its users to watch porn videos,to upload porn videos, like or dislike the content of the platform and generally interact through comments below the videos.
The name of the platform is PronWorld and pays its users for their actions in the platform with Pron coin which its value today is 88 euro. For every porn video you watch, it gives you about 0.0008 pron which is about 0,07 euro and you don΄t have to see the whole video to have the money credited to your account. After the first minute of watching, you earn the money right away. So think every time you watch 3 porn videos you earn 0,21 euro which is one hive. As you can see the platform pays very well but unfortunately it has one drawback. Sometimes it lags and it takes a long time to load its pages.
In addition to watching porn, the PronWorld gives us more profit opportunities like staking the pron coins for three months and earn daily interest. In order to stake your pron coins you have to register at the networking platform of pron and stake your coins, but first, you have to pass the verification process just by sending them a picture of your id or your passport and your banking details. (IBAN). After a maximum of 24 hours, they check your data and if you pass the verification they give you access at the networking platform and pron of 69 euro value which is about 0.8 pron.
The minimum amount of staking is 1 pron. After collecting 0.20 pron at the Pronworld site you can send them at your networking account and start staking. You collect the interest of your stake every night at 00.00 am which is paid with GROSH coin which is the second coin of the networking platform and it is a stable coin that is value is always equal to the Euro coin. You can earn more grosh coins by referring other users but the referring profits can only be used to buy more prons.

A third Platform of the PronWorld is the getonexchange where you change Prons and Grosh into Euros and withdraw your profits with Sepa transfers, International banking or bitcoin. The purpose of this platform is for users who do not want to stake their coins and they just want to withdraw their profits from watching porn. Withdrawals can happen also from the networking platform.
A few years ago I have seen a documentary that was saying that in the future, people will not have to work and there will be other ways to make money. In recent years, as blockchain technology has become more popular, I notice that year after year we are closer to this prophetic documentary that I have watched. Who would have expected that we would make money watching porn videos, something most of us do almost every day, Furthermore to stake our profits and earn interest from a porn platform. Anyway, I had never imagined it and when they suggested me this platform, I thought that they were playing with me until I checked it out and I discovered that it was true. What else are we going to see in the upcoming years? I think many technological miracles and a lot of earning opportunities.
P.S. Let me inform you that the only Refferan link on my article is the networkings platform link. If you use it to sign up you will earn 69 euro paid in pron and I will earn 9 euro paid in grosh. If you use it, you will really help me. Thanks for stopping by. See you at my next post.