Crypto Market is giving Good swings

in cryptocurrency •  3 years ago 

One day high and one day low. After some continuous days of downfall the market looked a little better yesterday and then again today we see a decline in the prices and again it feels disappointing to see the prices all in Red. The green any day looks soothing to the eyes...hehehe. Blurt has been steady and that's again a good thing to see as I mentioned yesterday.

Prediction says 2022 is going to be a good year for Cryptos, though the start has not been very good but eventually it will boom. Well I do think that it is still just the beginning of the year and we should not make any assumptions based on the current patterns. The year will unfold and I am sure it will give us some pleasant surprises. I am very positive about it, that possibly by the mid year we will see the market boom and then it will again fall.

This is a good time to make investments and not panic and sell what is already there. One thing is for sure, that sooner or later this market will go up and we may never see these levels again. As of now yes it is expected that it can fall down further, so no panicking and just being patient is required at this point of time. Even if one does not buy anything in this fall, then one should avoid selling also. Specially the small holders. We make these mistakes and then repent. In the year 2021 we have seen many changes in the market. The big players have stepped in, they have been constantly manipulating the prices for the very reason that they want to make the most of the market. The prices are not going anywhere but just up, it's a matter of time.


Lately I put some money in this new coin that has come out Kasta. The founder of this coin is Carl Runefelt, very well known as "The Moon" in the crypto industry. The coin is introduced with a focus to make cryptocurrency adoption worldwide majorly focusing on the day to day usage. It is going to be a digital payment platform. Very soon they plan to introduce the Kasta Debit Card. I am still learning about this coin, but I find it a lucrative investment. They had a bidding at the price of .03 in which I got only worth 10$ and when it opened it touched 1.49 and then it came down to $1 and now it keeps moving between .75 and .80. This is just a recommendation based on my judgement and not any financial investment advice. Hence please do your own research further before investing.

If there is any further drop, I am planning to make some more investments and grab the opportunity. Crypto is the future and right now is the best time to get in. The early adopters are definitely going to benefit in the long run.

So what do you all think, Will the Crypto market boom in 2022, and if yes then by when?

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I also have the same feeling. Crypto market will boom in mid-2022. Hopefully.