Are we in the reverse trend

in cryptocurrency •  2 years ago 

Since the last couple of days, Crypto market is showing some signs of recovery. From the past 3 months the price of BTC has been swaying between 18k to 20k and there has been a good consolidation period. If it breaks the 21k mark then possibly we are in the upward trend. The Alt coins have also shown some progress in the last few days which is a good sign.
If we are in the reversal then hopefully 2023 will be a good year for Crypto investors to make profits from their investments.

My major stakes in Crypto are in ETH, Cardano (ADA), Hive, Steem and Blurt- These three I am earning from my writings so there is no personal monetary investment but yes there is personal time investment which is as valuable as money. Other than these some very small stakes in FTT, ATOM, Matic, Sand, VRA and Shiba Inu coins. I plan to remove all of these except for the blogging ones whenever the price gets better and then reinvest only in a few when it goes down again, which would be ETH and BTC for sure. Rest I will have to see at that point of time.


In the last two years many people have turned their attention to Cryptos and are now looking at possible investments but in the last few months as the price went down, they too lost their confidence and have withdrawn. I have observed in my own circle the same trends where people have been making comments like, Ohh this is such an unstable investment. If they would just understand that this was a golden opportunity for them to get into the market. It's not that everyone thinks the same way, there are people who have taken the benefit of this down trend and made wise decisions. Some years back, we never heard of Crypto ATMs but in the last few months that I travelled in Europe, I saw a couple of Crypto ATM machines, which in itself proves that the demand is increasing and there will be a time when all of this will speed up at a much faster rate then we anticipate.

I am very hopeful that 2023 will be a good year for the market and we will gain profits on our investments and hard work. But the point is to have an exit strategy. In the last run, I made a mistake, I did not have one and I could not capitalize on the upward trends. Anyways this year I am not going to start removing my stakes in percentages and gain some profits.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

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