Digesting 2021: CryptocurrencyScript’s annual report.

in cryptocurrency •  3 years ago  (edited)

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“Cryptocurrency’s journey is like a scripted tale; we don’t write this story…we tell it”. It’s safe to say that we have stayed true to our slogan. Telling you the interesting (and the crazy) stories of bitcoin, cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, one article after the other. Depending on how many of our articles you have read till date, you can easily write a mini prose about cryptocurrency.

Almost two hundred articles published and we have told you virtually everything about cryptocurrency. Well, except the next 1000X coin.

From obscurity to global recognition, cryptocurrency and blockchain’s journey have gone beyond ‘a computerized P2P transaction technology’ to a revolution and the biggest technological and financial interruption of the last decade. Not Elon Musk’s electric cars or quantum technology; Satoshi’s ‘experiment’ probably makes the news three times more frequently than any of these.

Unfortunately, this groundbreaking technology and the developments surrounding it have been overshadowed by price talks and ‘get rich quick’ schemes. Bitcointalk was probably a healthier media than cryptotwitter…but that’s by the way.

Our main goal is to correct this impression, one reader after the other. Throughout the year we have prioritized this mission and have stayed dedicated to presenting crypto-related articles written with the ordinary reader in mind.

Reaching over two thousand readers every month, we may not have made followers out of these viewers but we certainly presented cryptocurrency in its right form to them.

Writing articles meant for YOU

CryptocurrencyScripts was created to make cryptocurrency articles less bulky and more comprehensive. By doing this, it serves the techy and the normal enthusiasts. For the former, it might be ‘too basic’ but still, it gives an idea for further reading. For the latter, it is best suited. Whichever one, both parties aren’t left with more confusion(s).

We consider YOU, above all. Everyone’s journey into and on crypto space is further complicated by the complexity of this technology. This was the case for all of us at CryptocurrencyScripts…it still is. With our knowledge, we are determined to simplify your own journey for you.

Currently we have only one author, and almost a one-man team. This is bound to change as we progress.

From a name to a community

CryptocurrencyScript started as just a personal blog name. However, with the number of blog readers steadily growing and the readers resonating with the publications; we saw the need to grow a vibrant community atop these enthusiastic readers. We are growing our community, one follower after the other. Purely organic growth is gradual most times, our community will follow a similar route.

Working with other projects

We believe in cryptocurrency and what other projects are building. With that being said, we constantly reach out to other projects and work together with them to drive mutual growth and development. Our blogs have featured articles about a number of new projects including Mute, Syntropy, Bityard, PascalCoin and a couple more. We structured these articles to be informative and educative rather than being ‘shilly’.

We will never push you beyond your limits. We can only simplify your research process and give you our own assessments as suggestions

Growth strategy and speed

We have no defined Roadmap. We have no plans to turn our project into an ‘investable’ prospect. Hence, there’s literally no need for a Roadmap. Regardless, we hope to pursue continuous growth by presenting our readers with new articles regularly and expanding our social media and internet presence to add even more followers and grow our community.


We have no external funding; we also have no plans to seek for one. However, we would appreciate external support if they are healthy enough for our goals. If this happens, we will device a means to make the most of this support and grow faster. Else, we will keep on growing steadily and gradually.

The journey ahead

Well, we have said much about our future plans and it still remains so. Regardless of how much we hope to grow, our community remains our biggest tool and our biggest task. We have the most amazing followers but still, we urge increased participation. Your feedbacks are invaluable, broadcasting our publications will go a (very) long way to helping us grow. We can count on you, yes You!

Thank you for an AMAZING year!

Lets keep telling these stories together!

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