RE: Why Do We Need Cryptocurrency?

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Why Do We Need Cryptocurrency?

in cryptocurrency •  2 years ago 

I told her at the first place to be active to earn more as you said. But the more I talk to her, the more I understand that she is on dtube and blurt not for money. She made sure that there is no KYC asked, she made sure that she will not be censored by videos deleted, or accounts, or any other form. That's why she joined blurt. Of course being active is good, but that's not the main goal of many people being on the blockchain, or a decentralized crypto platform. One of the bad thing of centralized platforms is also people running for those views, people running after money, but not principles. I understand why she put bitcoin cash and monero on the top of her picture. I understand a lot of things about real decentralization, but not a central group deciding the direction of others.... you may understand here what I mean.

Also, the video was hard for her to do. If you watched it, you'll understand for sure. She was thinking for a long time to create it or not. But I'm proud of her she does it. In Russia people are so far from crypto. People grew up under the Soviet Union, then a mess in 90s, then only one group leading them for more than 20 years, then the time of sanctions where Russians aren't allowed to do almost nothing. Like every service almost restricting them. Websites not working for them. Even some crypto platforms blocking them. And that's because they didn't have the chance to speak up. They also didn't learn enough about crypto. They were afraid all the time to say a word. And that video is an eye-opening for people. For Russian people. You can say, she risked herself for them !

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Wow. That is an eye opener. Thank yiu for sharing. I nee things have been tough the soviet block seemingly forever. But know i know a bit more. I just see people posting here and I want them to succeed, especially if they are on her level...but it looks like she is succeeding for what she wants to accomplish so Im happy to hear that.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks for such great support! I'm glad you're proud of me! And thank you for standing behind my success here and on Dtube!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You're welcome. Keep it up. You're doing good. I'm sure you'll make good friends here. People are so friendly here. ☺