What are the roles of Torum Ambassadors

in cryptocurrency •  4 years ago 


As you may have noticed, this brand new Crypto-based Social Network that has just arrived and is getting a lot of attention, is none other than Torum.

In less than 6 months of existence, the community has just passed the symbolic 10,000 Member milestone!

A few months ago, the Torum Team established the role of Ambassadors, to help and accompany them in their work, but above all with a goal of developing the Torum Community.


How do the Ambassadors support Torum and the Community?

Well, they have a wide range of skills and attributes within Torum. First and foremost, they are the first people you can contact with your questions, no matter which Ambassador you contact, he or she will be happy to answer you.

Ambassadors also take the time to check out everything that is posted on Torum, and can encourage you at various levels

  • If you want advice or want to know what types of things can be posted on the site
  • If you join a Clan, or if you wish to create a Clan, the Ambassadors can accompany and support you in the writing of the content you wish to post.

As an Ambassador (myself), we enjoy discovering new things, because as you well know, everything about Cryptocurrency is so vast that we learn something new every day, be it :

  • Crypto News
  • Ongoing or new projects
  • The different Cryptocurrencies (nobody can know them all, we count more than 6 000 of them, and all (or almost all) have a beautiful project to present, or offer a (or almost) nice opportunity)
  • Etc ...

Ambassadors can also support your content by offering you 'Gifts' (Rewards in XTM) depending on the personal appreciation of the Ambassador, based on the relevance of your content, the length of the content, but most importantly the subject matter.


It goes without saying that if you post a copy/paste from the Internet, it is not in the interest of Torum or in your own interest, because you are violating a copyright (unless you have permission from the original author of the article), and you don't learn anything yourself, because you are not doing any real research on your content - Just as posting simple sentences, or just a few words, is not in the interest of the Community.

You can post shorter messages, nobody will contradict you, but they must be a little bit interesting, or related to the rules of a Clan, for example if you join a Clan specific to a Crypto and you want to post a few words related to your feelings, news, etc.... or you can also post MEME in the Clans that are related to the MEMES.

The purpose of this type of site (such as Torum, or any other) is to provide relevant, original, and informative content, so that you (the author) can learn things, and then share them with others.

We are always eager to learn new things, and if your pleasure is to share your knowledge, Torum, its Team and its Ambassadors can only thank you for it, and accompany you in this beautiful adventure that is the Universe of Cryptocurrencies.

If you would like to know more, or if you have any questions, you can join us on Telegram, but also on Torum.

See you soon :)

And don't forget to enjoy the Christmas holidays with your family (respecting the sanitary rules in vigor in your country), these are moments that we all miss :)

Christophe WILHELM



  1. https://www.torum.com
  2. https://t.me/torum_official_group_en
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