What are the benefits of joining a Crypto community?

in cryptocurrency •  4 years ago 


Since all time Man needs to be surrounded. Whether on an emotional and sentimental level (life companion, family, children ...), on a professional level (colleagues, bosses ...) but also on a personal level (friends, people sharing the same interests and passions ...) we can not evolve alone in this world and we can not flourish without it.

It is essential to surround yourself with (good) people.

The world of Cryptocurrencies is such a vast universe that is expanding day by day. And from day to day, it increasingly occupies our way of life, our way of consumption as well as our way of communication. It is therefore essential to know how to evolve in this new world.

Torum, the brand new social network, allows you to move forward in this universe. By joining this community you can surround yourself with interesting and passionate people who, like you, have a special interest in everything that has to do with Cryptos.

With Torum you can learn new things, discover major events in the Crypto news, but also discover some very nice and ambitious projects. Sharing knowledge is one of the strong points of what Torum can bring you

If you want to know more about what Cryptocurrencies are, what it's used for, how to get them, how to use them, etc ... Torum users can help you, they can also explain how to proceed, how to pay attention to what is viable and what is not.

Torum's vocation is not to provide investment advice, but rather to help you evolve in this universe in a fun way, by taking advantage of good plans, tips and tricks that will allow you to evolve in this vast world that are Cryptocurrencies.

If you also want to know something else, no matter the subject, such as :

  • Major Cryptos
  • Proof-of-Work - Proof-of-Stake ..
  • Staking and and Delegation
  • The Masternodes
  • Serious sites/projects
  • And so much more ...

You can count on the Torum community to find answers to your questions.

Although a newcomer to this ecosystem, Torum has quickly surrounded itself with competent people, making it the spearhead of this community.

Want to know more? Do you have any questions? Would you like to join us?

Start by joining the Telegram Group and sign up for Torum. Don't forget to introduce yourself, and start your research, ask your questions, etc... The whole Torum community is at your disposal to help you in this great adventure that is open to you.

See you soon

Christophe WILHELM



  1. https://www.torum.com
  2. https://t.me/torum_official_group_en
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