Rapids Network - July 2021 Review

in cryptocurrency •  4 years ago 


Hello to all

Welcome to another Rapids News Review. This time let's focus on the month of July.

We've just finished the first half of the year, and now it's time for the second half. Just like most of the active people on our beautiful planet, the Rapids Network team is also taking some time for themselves as well as for rest, but without putting everything on hold.

Since July 1st, the Rapids Network explorer has been updated. You can now follow in real time the market figures, and all that concerns Rapids:

  • The Total Supply
  • Blocks
  • Number of Active Masternodes
  • Amount needed for a Masternode
  • As well as the amount of RPD locked up in Masternodes.


At the same time the information is also updated on Coingecko, and CoinMarketCap.

At the beginning of the month, we organized a new BRPD Airdrop (Wrapped RPD). The BRPD Airdrop #2 was paid on July 9th, followed by a BRPD Airdrop #3 launched on July 15.

The middle of the month brought you 2 big news:

First, BRPD (Wrapped RPD) is available on Binance Scan. Second, a new collaboration between Rapids and Transak Finance allows users to purchase BNBs or any other tokens available on Binance Smart Chain by Credit Card or Bank Transfer.


To finish the month, we launched a contest:

  • Create a RPD Wallet, Test it, Use it …
  • Leave a comment under the Rapids Wallet App on the iOS & Android stores
  • Once your comment is read, you'll receive a LinkShare of 15 RPDs. For the little tip, your comment must be constructive and must contain at least 10 words. "Good Apps/Good Wallets" does not necessarily help the community or future Wallet users.


We also remind you that since few weeks you can use your Rapids (RPD) and convert them into BRPD (Wrapped RPD) via the Bridge created by Rapids. To do this you need a minimum of 1000 RPD, to find out more see this article.

You can also convert your BNBs directly into BRPDs and use your BRPDs on all Binance Smart Chain dApps.

Feel free to check out our articles on Medium, which will give you more information and all the steps to follow. You will see that it is simple and fast. If you have any question, you can ask us directly on Telegram and we will be happy to answer it. We remind you that for more security, all conversations must be done publicly, and in no case a member of Rapids team will contact you by PM so be careful with that.

Want to try your luck, or challenge your luck? Did you know that you can also use your Rapids (RPD) at CasinoGate, an online Crypto Casino. Right now they're even offering 25% on all RPD deposits. Check out the 'Wild Rapids' Slot Machine, it's beautiful and totally worth it. Tell us your success stories or your thoughts on Wild Rapids on Telegram.


Rapids Network can't thank you enough for all the support you give us on a daily basis, it's you who make these projects possible, and it's you who make the community grow every day.

All of us at Rapids wish you all a great August. Take advantage of this time to rest, to spend time with your family, and to wait for September. Don't forget to have fun, while respecting the safety measures in force in your country or region. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.

See you soon

I'm currently under contract with Rapids Network, which gives me the right to publish, republish, on their behalf, articles first published on Rapids Network/Medium.

If you have any questions, or if you believe that there is copyright infringement, please contact Rapids directly at https://www.rapidsnetwork.io/contact/.

Rapids Network

Join us on:


  1. https://www.rapidsnetwork.io/
  2. https://t.me/RapidsOfficial
  3. https://bridge.rapidsnetwork.io/
  4. https://rapids.host/
  5. https://rapture.tv/
  6. https://rapture.buzz/
  7. https://rapids.world/
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