Rapids Network - January 2022 Review

in cryptocurrency •  3 years ago 

Rapids network

Hello to all.

All the Rapids Network teams:

Welcome you in this new year 2022, and wish you all a great year. Full of projects, new developments and of course some nice surprises will be unveiled to you.

A few months ago, the Rapids management team changed, but without failing in its ambition to bring you more and more, on the contrary, the projects are taking a new turn and the developments as well as the announcements and news have shifted into high gear.

For those of you who have recently joined us, but also for everyone else (it's always good to be reminded of what has been accomplished recently), we have published on the Rapids Medium account, the 2021 retrospective of what has been accomplished, as well as a summary of the Roadmap for 2022, we invite you to consult the article on this link.

Rapids Network

This month of January is off to a good start, as we announced that the Bridge allowing you to convert your Rapids (RPD) to Wrapped Rapids (bRPD) is back in operation, this Bridge allows you to use your Rapids (RPD) on all Binance Smart Chain dApps and also allows you to change your bRPD to RPD, with a 1:1 ratio in both ways.

10 days later, we announced that the Rapids Bridge has also been integrated with RapticBot on Telegram and Discord. Our goal is to provide you with more and more options to use your Rapids (RPD), but what is most interesting is that we are also working to make all these options easy to use and accessible to everyone.

Rapids Network

For a few weeks now we have been working with various Third Parties to offer you even more options for using your Rapids Coins. Stay tuned, we will reveal more very soon.

We are also pleased to announce that the Rapids Academy is back online on the Rapids Network website, thanks to our videos you can learn:

  • How to use Cold Staking to generate passive income on your Rapids (RPD)
  • How to set up a RPD Masternode
  • How to use Rapids.Host, our Hybrid Staking Platform, which has over 3500 users
  • And most importantly, how to use our RapticBot
  • And much more to come soon

Did you know that RapticBot is a jewel of technology with a bundle of features? More and more popular on Social Media, at the end of January RapticBot was used by 192 Groups on Telegram & Discord and totaling no less than 12 000 users.

In February, will we pass the 200 Groups and tens of thousands of users milestone? The answer will be revealed on our social networks and in the next Review.

Have you considered downloading the Rapids Mobile Wallet? It's available on your favorite store, Android & iOS, and thanks to this Wallet, you will be able to generate LinkShares and send Rapids (RPD) to whoever you want, in the easiest way possible:

  • By Mail
  • By SMS
  • On Social Media and Networks
  • Etc ...

This technology simplifies to the extreme the means of exchange and sharing of Rapids Coins.

Rapids network

As of January, our teams have started to work on the development of V2 of our Explorer.

And last but not least, don't forget to take all the necessary measures to secure your accounts and your funds. Here are some tips that will be very useful for your Rapids (RPD) as well as for any other Cryptocurrencies.

Rapids Top CyberSecurity Tips:

  • Keep Your Software Up to Date
  • Use Anti-Virus Protection & Firewall
  • Use Strong Passwords & Use a Password Management Tool
  • Use Two-Factor (2FA) or Multi-Factor Authentication

I'm currently under contract with Rapids Network, which gives me the right to publish, republish, on their behalf, articles first published on Rapids Network/Medium.

If you have any questions, or if you believe that there is copyright infringement, please contact Rapids directly at https://www.rapidsnetwork.io/contact/.

See you soon

Rapids Network

Join us on:


  1. https://www.rapidsnetwork.io/
  2. https://t.me/RapidsOfficial
  3. https://twitter.com/RapidsRPD
  4. https://discord.com/invite/tMV2hSATqK
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