Hello everyone!
We all know what Airdrop is more or less, but do you know when this trend appeared? And do you know that it can be dangerous for you too?
First of all let's start with a bit of history. You know that Bitcoin appeared in 2009, it's been 11 years since we discovered and live in a world that is undergoing profound changes due to Cryptocurrencies.
So do you know when the very first Airdrop appeared? This may surprise you, but the first of the very first Airdrop took place in Iceland!
On March 25, 2014, all Icelandic residents who entered their ID card information on the Official AuroraCoin website received 31.8 AUR (AuroraCoin) or approximately $385 on Airdrop Day. 330,000 Icelanders shared the amount of 10,500,000 AUR!
This is how the Airdrop was born. Baldur Friggjar Óðinsson (the founder of AuroraCoin) explained that the purpose of the AUR Airdrop was to provide an alternative form of currency to the Icelandic Crown 'ISK'.
But what about a few years later?
Well, I reassure you that the Crypto AuroraCoin (AUR) still exists, but it is not the subject of this article.
We're bombarded every day with Airdrop opportunities, whether it's on Torum, Telegram, Social Networks, or Internet ads, each more or less appealing than the last. But is it really worth it? Can we believe in these Airdrops?
You would have gone hunting for Airdrop in 2017, you could have made a small fortune, up to a few thousand dollars. But nowadays Airdrop's take a lot of time, and in the end nothing at all, or not much, or even worse! Getting ripped off!
It is necessary to remain very attentive in all that you undertake and that affects the world of Cryptocurrencies in one way or another.
The vast majority of what you may see scrolling by during the day promises to make you a lot of money by just doing small tasks, but in the end it is useful to take a few minutes to fill out a form, post on Twitter, Facebook (and others) the information suggested by the Airdrop? (Knowing that on social networks you may also risk having your account suspended if you spam the messages/information from Airdrop)
We're going to play a little game. Instead of jumping on all the Airdrop you find, I ask you to take the few minutes it took you to complete this Airdrop, and use them to do some research on the project:
- Project Name
- The creators (are they present on social networks)
- Website/Roadmap
- Community already present, and is it active?
- What can the project bring more (other than what already exists)
These simple and short searches will allow you to avoid drowning under a mountain of Coins/Tokens that will eventually be of no use to you!
Airdrops that only work with Referral links are also to be proscribed
After you have made your selection of more reliable or more serious Airdrop (according to you), start to be interested in it, but before that take all the necessary precautions to protect your personal data (Use a different browser, on which you have no personal data, password, or crypto private key, create an account Twitter, Facebook ... specific, only for Airdrop, etc ...). Begin to get interested and involved in this one, by deepening your research, by talking with project leaders, with the community, etc ...
Also pay attention to this little detail (As a French saying goes "Le Diable réside dans les détails" (The Devil resides in the details)), we can't say that the Airdrop are a scam, because receiving 'free' Coins/Tokens is not a scam in itself, but many will ask you to invest in for recieve more Coins/Tokens, once the project is listed, and you can start exchanging rewards. If that's the case, LEAVE these Airdrops, these are SCAMS! (We can invest in an ICO, but not in an Airdrop under any circumstances).
After applying all these tips you will see that you will not make 10-50 airdrop per day, but about 2-3 per week. And in the short and medium term it will be more profitable for you personally (because you will learn a lot about the world of cryptos) and financially (you will have managed to identify the most serious airdrops - I'm not saying that you will really make money with Airdrops, but simple checks will save you time and money).
I don't want to criticize this principle of Airdrop, having practiced it myself for almost a year, and from personal experience, if we don't pay attention, we risk losing much more than we 'can' earn.
So what you need to remember is: do your own research.
Above all, any investment in Cryptocurrencies involves risk, invest only what you can afford to lose.
And be aware that any Airdrop posted to Torum is the sole responsibility of the Author of the Post, and Torum will not be held responsible if you lose money because of Airdrop seen on Torum.
Be careful, the world of Cryptocurrencies can bring you a lot, but can also cost you a lot of money, take the time to learn about it, it's the first step to avoid losing money.
There are of course much simpler ways to earn Cryptos (and money) on the net, this will be the subject of a future article.
Take care, see you soon!
Christophe WILHELM