Earnings and tokens report - plus I created my first NFTShowroom art

in cryptocurrency •  2 years ago 

I hope you are all well and by the way how was your weekend? I bet it was at least better than mine, it was a hellish experience.

Anyways, I spend more time with myself, walking and snapping images.
I also created my first Unique single edition NFTShowroom art (that one in a cover image) on HIVE and uploaded it.
Image is clickable, take a look if you are interested.

💥NFT art title: Paint me the Dream

Price: 250 SWAP.HIVE

"If you ask me where have I been, if you ask me what have I seen, I will tell you no words because words can't explain, so instead I would paint you the Dream."

This tokenized art piece is a digital painting, it is not a photography. "Paint me the Dream" doesn't represent any real life object and it holds no semblance to any real brand or company. It is purely a figment of my imagination. I hope it truthfully represents an eye's depiction of a sky, clouds, sun beams and the Dream.


💥Total Editions:
1 ( Unique)

My plan for NFT sales is to up and support Hive in a multitude of way, a blockchain offers so many options and ways to do so.

End of the previous week was pretty sad. I got a really rotten blood test and my liver look like it is giving the last word, then during the weekend I got everything else. Everything hurts, I feel like shit and even if my family doctor is afraid that my liver is decompensating, beginning of the end, I think this is a flue. Kid made a rapid COVID test, and she is negative, so she will stay home.

I started using Ecency more, and I can say I am getting use to it. I like point system and the fact that I can boost or promote my posts.

Hive blog posts made in total $18.02.

From all the other blogs I was doing ReadCash, NoiseCash and Blurt.
ReadCash really is not working for me, I have very little views, no comments and absolutely no earnings there.
Unlike NoiseCash , there my effort is rewarded both financially and feedback-wise. I think I am a better fit to that platform. $4.96 in the last week.
Blurt is ... well, blurty. $3.43 in total earnings for 3 posts in the last week, I would say it is good.

I enjoyed posting on 3SpeakTV and I think I will be working on more videos. I like how my video intro came out.
My 3SpeakTV videos made $1.42 in previous week.

I wasn't playing Splinterlands at all. I staked some SPS.

I hope stuff gets better during the day, as I will take my morning walk later so I can do some work online if possible. If not, I will just walk, drink water and take some snaps for dBuzz.

Last week my micro-posts on dBuzz made $2.7 in total.

I should be working more on ListNerds. I really like the option where I can just promote many things I enjoy, including my own posts.
I staked 106 CTP by the way and I am looking forward using it.

Also, I wonder, anyone selling spare liver on Twitter?
It looks like Twitter will become a free market, you know - hookers, human organs, child slave labor, sex traffic, surrogate baby farms, drug cartels...
I'll pay in đogecoin, allegedly we'll be able to do that. Heard it from the horse's mouth. LOL

I bought a few pieces of NFT tokenized art and today published first of my own.

That would ne it for now, hope next report will be even better.

Contact info

Element ( Matrix): @aschatria:matrix.org
Session (Oxen): 05c9f58a59882e1c459ec59fc6bedf7203c448e23cecd2c7cfe25e6732fb5c5371
Discord: aschatria#1254
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ascha3a
Mail: [email protected]

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